
songs on your computer

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8,820 on a external HD. 31gb. some are copies just different formats. so probably more like 8500 approx. :S

on my itunes it say 484 days worth of continous play. so thats always good when its on random play.

not hear the same song for over a year. :D

ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD!
DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS!

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I only collect albums, not songs.

I have 107GB of music.
1770 albums.
21022 songs.

Separate from that collection, I have 11GB of Smashing Pumpkins live performances, unreleased rarities, etc (I was way into SP in high school, obviously). There are 2368 songs in that collection.

Do I win? :):$

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2,243 songs, 14.23 GB. Most of it legal...ripped CDs I own or downloaded from iTunes....which is approaching its 1,000,000,000th song downloaded...3 million songs to go..about one day...if you are the lucky person to download the billionth song you win [url"http://www.apple.com/ca/itunes/1billion/"]all this stuff.[/url]

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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8,820 on a external HD. 31gb. some are copies just different formats. so probably more like 8500 approx. :S

on my itunes it say 484 days worth of continous play. so thats always good when its on random play.

not hear the same song for over a year. :D

Um.....not unless each song averages 79 minutes. 484 days = 696960 minutes / 8,820 songs = 79.020408163265306122448979591837 minutes per song. I could see 484 HOURS of continuos play but definately not days.

I have 3832 songs, 10.38GB of space and 245:26:53 hours:minutes:seconds worth of play.

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Um.....not unless each song averages 79 minutes. 484 days = 696960 minutes / 8,820 songs = 79.020408163265306122448979591837 minutes per song. I could see 484 HOURS of continuos play but definately not days.

I was gonna say....mine only comes out to just under 40 days of non stop music....

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I only collect albums, not songs.

I have 107GB of music.
1770 albums.
21022 songs.

Separate from that collection, I have 11GB of Smashing Pumpkins live performances, unreleased rarities, etc (I was way into SP in high school, obviously). There are 2368 songs in that collection.

Do I win? :):$

Damn...I thought I'd win this one!

93.4GB / 17,460 songs. B|

Oh, and every single track is properly ID3 tagged (artist, title, album and genre) so that I can drop it on my iPod and not have to worry about the display info being different from the file name.;)
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Oh, and every single track is properly ID3 tagged (artist, title, album and genre) so that I can drop it on my iPod and not have to worry about the display info being different from the file name.;)

Me too. :P That task took me literally several days to complete though. I ended up going with ID3V1 even though it cuts most song names short - it just took too long to edit all the ID3V2's, so I wiped them out.

Before I got my iPod I resisted the iPod craze furiously. I tried other mp3 players and came to the sad conclusion that the iPod did best fit my needs. But I still wish there was one that simply stored files in a directory structure and let you browse/play the files by name, just as you would on your PC. I hate that the handheld players rely on ID3.

Oh, and it would be nice if somebody made a player bigger than 60GB. :D

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