
Seemed like a good idea at the time....

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A guy at our dropzone had his wifes name and a heart on his arm. The day his divorce was final he went and had the tattoo artist put a big VOID stamp across it. It looked just like one of the rubber stamps the bank would put across a cancelled check. I thought it was pretty funny.

Matt Davies

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A good artist can cover that up and you'd never know it was there...


Reminds me of the commercial with Dale Earnhart Jr., where he announces that he is changing his number from '8' to '6.7'! They show a guy getting the finishing touches on a large tattoo of '6.7' on his back. Then Earnhard announces; "I was just messin' with ya'!":D:D


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A good tat artist can cover it VERY well. I know, because while I still have my ex's tat on, I had a very shall we say, "hatred" tat in blood red on my back. Well now it's covered with a fantastic wolf's head,never even know what was there and I get alot of complaiments on it.Took a long time though. Matt @ Skinquake Greenwood IN.You can check it out on his website,both my back and arm sleeve
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional!!

D.S.#13(Dudeist Skdiver)

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Your in the same situation a friend, and I use that term loosely, is in...he got drunk and thought it would be cute to get his GF name tattoo'd on his forehead...Idiot told the tattoo artist the WRONG name......dumbass now has the wrong GFs name on his freakin forehead. Not little letters either, BIG.

NEVER get a name tattoo'd on you, never!!!!!!!!! Its bad luck!!! Unless said person is dead...then its ok.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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True story: I used to work with this big dude who used to be a semi-pro boxer. Well, he gave up boxing to go to Seminary school and have a family, a really hot wife named Jennifer and two cute little kids. One day at work he rolled up his sleeves and had a couple of pretty cool tattoos, one of which was a big bald eagle carrying a banner that said "Jenn."
So a week or two later I got into a conversation with his wife Jennifer about tattoos. I mentioned that I thought it was sweet that her husband had her name tattooed on his arm. At that moment she looked up at me with the angriest look on her face and explained that "Jenn" was his first wife of about 3 months :o

So all you have to do is find another girl named Anna, and hide the tat until the right moment.
Egad, A BASE life defiles a bad age.

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Real Men of Genius:
Here's to you Mr. Ex-girlfiend's Name Tattoo Wearer.
You were in Love and you showed the ultimate sign of committment; Your girlfriend's name permanently etched into your skin.
Chorus : I love you Anna Anna Anna Anna Anna
But then the prop turned and now you look for dates with a first name priority where anything Anna-ish will do.
So crack open a cold one and dream up your next tattoo Mr. Ex-girlfriend's name tattoo wearer.
Chorus : Not getting liquored up this time
Mr. Ex-girlfriend's name tattoo wearerrrrrrrrrrrrr
A.B. St. Louis Mo.

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My 2nd & 3rd wives are both named Kate. And I used to go out with a Kim. Everything convenient. No mess. With Kim I could call out my own name during sex and, hey, why break the moment? She was flattered. So wait, who knows? That tat might come in handy someday. Start by dating only other Annas.

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