
So.."they say" you have 6 months left to live...

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It would depend on the situation (whether or not I believed them), but I'd get my affairs in order and then move my "acceptable risk" line quite a bit farther into the red zone than it currently is. My insurance pays a hell of a lot more money to my heirs if I die in an accident than if I die from an illness. ;)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Research shows that living leads to dying in 100% of cases.

But if I were on a time crunch I would quit my job in a heartbeat and try to squeeze in as much travel and fun and SCUBA and skydiving and kayaking and white water rafting and cliff diving and hang gliding and whatever else struck my fancy as possible. Screw dying slowly in a hospital.

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What would you do with those 6 months?

What is my decision?..well I would make every day count..and feel comfortable that I made the right decisions for ME that day...I would keep Damien in my life..and I would make sure my parents (Linda and Carl)knew how much I love them...as well as my brother(another Carl) and his five kids: Trey, Blake, Cassidy, Cole, and Christian...Aunt Katee Loves you all so much!

like others have said, if you aren't making every day count already, start NOW!!! you may only have 6 months and not know it. you might have until thei afternoon, you may have 80 years. shouldn't waste any of it.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I have quite the same theory that Bill suggests.
I see ALOT of car wrecks out here: people laying in the streets after being run over people shot becuase the are walking in the right part of town at a bad time.

if it were Cancer you still have a chance to fight it. You have warning. You can take your stand and fight it for as long as you can.with a speeding car and bullets. you don't have much of a chance. Or warning for that matter.

I would hate to have just gotten into an arguement with my g/f or had said some shitty things to someone out of anger and than dissappear forever withoutbeing able to tell them that I didn't really mean it[:/]

If I had 6 months? I would live ALMOST like I am living now I wouldnt change too many things;)
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>What is my decision?..well I would make every day count..and feel
>comfortable that I made the right decisions for ME that day...

Why don't you do that stuff now?

Exactly. I'd like to think I do that now. I got a wake-up call two years ago when I was hit by a car (as a pedestrian). No, i wasn't close to death that day, but it made me realize that any day could be my last. Just under a year later I was hanging from the strut of a 182 on my first static line jump! Stop waiting for "someday" ...
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Do what you want, now. Don't put it off. If I were crippled or taking my last breaths 10 mins from now, I'd be going out with a grin.

"Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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hmmm...interesting thought.

Quit my job and spend the next 6 months doing whatever I've always wanted to do (i.e. white water rafting, scuba dive, etc.). Ensure that I spent some quality time with those that mean something to me. Write a letter to each and every one that I care about (put in an envelope with a stamp on it) to be mailed on the day of my death. Make a video to be played at my funeral/wake. Ensure that those who are close know that I want to be cremated and an ash dive done. Make sure they know who is to do the ash dive. Have a post written to be posted saying bye to those here on DZ.com. Ensure that people know not to morn that I am gone but to celebrate that I was.

hmm...think that's about it.

I couldn't have said it any better, other than I'd add that I'd have to travel real fast to see all that I want to see before I die.

Skydiving gave me a reason to live
I'm not afraid of what I'll miss when I die...I'm afraid of what I'll miss as I live

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1. I'd get lots of second and third opinions
2. I'd go to natural/alternative healthcare professionals (yoga, chiropractic, accupuncture etc)
3. I'd move somewhere with no smog
4. I'd eat nothing but organic and natural foods
5. Sell my cypress if I owned one
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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First thing I would be walking up to my boss and punching him in the mouth. That would pretty much take care of my job! Then I would sell everything I owned minus my rig ,of course, then take a huge loan out and max all my credit cards. After that it would be traveling, skydiving and hanging with my girl and friends until the end. Of course a few minutes before my scheduled departure from this earth I would punch my boss, his wife and mom right in the mouth. You can figure out why his mom!;)
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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I've been thinking about this since I first saw it posted and I think I've come up with my plan.

I'd go out Bonnie and Clyde style. Heck I might just do that anyway.

Edited for wording.

I kind of like that idea:

Smoke some crack on your way to rob a bank--that kind of thing.


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2. I'd go to natural/alternative healthcare professionals (yoga, chiropractic, accupuncture etc)
3. I'd move somewhere with no smog
4. I'd eat nothing but organic and natural foods

Wouldn't it be a better idea to do all that stuff _before_ you get an incurable disease? A lot of people seem to have this idea that health is something you introduce to your body after it's sick, instead of something you maintain.

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In January of 2000 while I was on a business trip to ATL I began having chest pains and couldn't breathe. A friend took me to South Fulton Emergency room and by then I could not walk or stand up. The ER doctor told me she thought I had a pulminary embulism (Blood clot in my lung) and that it could go to my brain at any moment. She asked if my "affairs" were in order and did I want to call anyone while we waited on the test to be run.

I FREAKED! That is not the way I had it planned and I wasn't ready. I wasn't afraid of dying there was just so many things that I wanted to do but had been lazy and procrastinating about them. Now it was all gone and I was pissed at myself.

They kept testing, taking x-rays, ABG's and after an hour or so determined that my right lung had collapased and the pressure in my chest cavity was collapsing the left one. My vital signs were to low for anesthetia so they had to cut a hole in my side and push a hose into my ribcage and start sucking the air out in order for my lungs to re-inflate. This was extremely painful and it took 3 orderly's to hold me to the gurney as they put the hose in.

After a couple of hours they got me stablized and after 5 days I was able to go home.

Since then I have hiked 375 miles of the Appalachian Trail (1700 to go), Grand Tetons NP, parts of Glacier NP, learned to skydive, taken white water canoe courses, bought a cabin in the North Georgia Mountains, taken several wilderness survival courses, learning how to fly-fish, learned to give a shit less about things at work I can't control, met a lot of new people and made some really good friends, bought a BASE Rig and signed up for Bridge Day to do my first BASE jump and I leave for Rantoul at 0500am tomorrow.

Life can be gone in an instance. I
found out I wasn't ready and I am very thankful to have been given a second chance. I don't know if I will have everything done when the final time comes but I am going to try and do everything I can to make sure I don't miss something.:)
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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And for those of you who haven't yet had the privilege of meeting Bob, let me also add that his outlook on life is very infectious! Such great energy in this man!
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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