
Dumbest thing you've done to ease boredom

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So, this story got me to thinking ... what's the dumbest or most mindless thing you've done to relieve boredom?

My friend and I once drove all the way around the Beltway (in DC) one Friday evening...
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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[thinking ... what's the dumbest or most mindless thing you've done to relieve boredom?

My friend and I once drove all the way around the Beltway (in DC) one Friday evening...

I took up skydiving.


Pain is fleeting. Glory lasts forever. Chicks dig scars.

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So, this story got me to thinking ... what's the dumbest or most mindless thing you've done to relieve boredom?

My friend and I once drove all the way around the Beltway (in DC) one Friday evening...

I don't know if it was dumb, but immature for sure.

One day I was bored and sitting around thinking (which is generally a bad thing) and I thought about every *really* old prank phone call I could think of. You know, "Is your refrigerator running?" ("Well you'd better catch the fucker before it gets away!!!!), and that kind of thing.

I made a list of them and started wondering if they were soooooooo old and forgotten that they had started working again.

Yep, I got on the phone and most worked quite well.

Here's my favorite, and it worked great!

them: "Hello, blah blah blah Bowling Alley. Can I help you?"

me: "Why yes, I would like to talk with someone in the Pro Shop, please."

them: "Pro shop, can I help you?"

me: "Do you sell bowling accessories like shoes and gloves and stuff?"

them: "Yes we do."

me: "How about balls?"

them: "Yes."

me: "Well, do you have 16 pound balls?" (I love this line!!!)

them: "Yes."

me: "Holy shit!!!! How do you get your pants on?!!!!!"

them: (I don't remember what he said, but it was quite rude and he hung up.)

Of course there was always this time when I was bored.


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Where's Walt when you need him? :D

The dumbest thing I've done to relieve boredom... I'd probably have to say post some pics of myself... :ph34r:

You rang?;)


Dam'n... speak of the devil...
Now we know you have alot more stories to tell so you might as well start spilling your guts... we might even learn something... :D
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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Where's Walt when you need him? :D

The dumbest thing I've done to relieve boredom... I'd probably have to say post some pics of myself... :ph34r:

You rang?;)


Dam'n... speak of the devil...
Now we know you have alot more stories to tell so you might as well start spilling your guts... we might even learn something... :D

I'm a bit too exhausted to write a story tonight, but I'll write one soon.

One time when I was bored I made some "napalm" in my kitchen sink. I lit it in the driveway and wasn't impressed until I tried to stomp it out. It stuck to my shoe and kept burning!

Yikes!!! I suddenly "got it".:D


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It wasn't dumb in the dangerous way or your example but before I left for a vacation one time I was stuck at work, could think straight, didn't care and needed something to do. So I expanded all of the folder tabs in our company directory. Truly thrilling.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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It wasn't dumb in the dangerous way or your example but before I left for a vacation one time I was stuck at work, could think straight, didn't care and needed something to do. So I expanded all of the folder tabs in our company directory. Truly thrilling.

That's the kind of hell raising that makes you legendary!!!:D


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Probably not the dumbest, but definitely one of the funniest. Last week my buddy and I came home from the bar with no luck with the ladies. We felt alittle bored but still spunky.
He had this motion sensing alarm that he had gotten from his dad a couple months ago (who is a fire fighter). Anyway you set it to "Auto", and once the gadget stays motionless for about 30 secs an alarm sets off that is about 100 times louder than your alarm clock.
Soooo...[funny part] we went around the neighborhood throwing it in people's houses at 1am..:D:D We'd chuck it, run across the street and hide behind some cars. Patiently waiting for it to sound.:ph34r: No one could figure out how to turn off the darn thing, so they'd give it a good chuck outside, where we'd retrieve it...and repeat.

Made for some good laughs and exercise.
Coming to a neighborhood near you :p


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Speaking of motion sensors...

Out of boredom I spent 3 hours sneaking up on one (it can be done) in my garage and tagged it without setting it off.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
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Out of boredom I spent 3 hours sneaking up on one (it can be done) in my garage and tagged it without setting it off.

Shit, I have always figured it was possible. But after 30 seconds or so of the light not coming on, i get bored, and find something else to do.

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Yeah I've done the beltway thing, once by accident once for boredom.

The dumbest thing I've done because of boredom...well when I was like 16 I worked at Safeway - a grocery store. It was night and very slow, so I was trying to kill time until I left. I was in back of the store, and I thought it would be fun to try to balance myself on one of those metal trucks or 'dollys' they have in back that pivot on the bottom and pick things up with. So I'm trying to balance myself by standing on the part of the dolly where you lift objects, when all of a sudden I started falling forward. I let go of the handle to try to avoid faling forward to the ground, but when I let go of the handle, all of my weight on the bottom of it flung the dolly back to its standing position and the metal handle, which was basically a 1inch metal bar, hit me in the forehead, putting a half-inch cut and making me bleed alot. Still have the scar today, and i get the weirdest looks after I tell people the story.

Another time I was racing one of those large motorized metal forklifts in back, from one end to the other. I must have come close to hitting something because the next thing I remember is putting my foot down and having the several-hundred pound forklift run over my ankle. I was lucky I diidnt break anything.

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Walked across the ceiling of a factory, hanging by my toes and ankles from the girders. I was up with my supervisor on one of those JLG scissor lift platforms taking inventory. Most of the space was filled with boxes stacked about 30 feet high, so the custom was to cruise the plant using the scissor lift to get a birds eye view from the top, to count the rows. I was climbing out of the lift to walk the tops of the rows, being light enough in weight to stand on top of the stuff without crushing the boxes. We had reached a gap in the rows, which, from my perspective looked like a cardboard box canyon with a concrete floor. Now I am known as someone who pulls what I call "half assed ninja moves", and can be found at my home DZ occasionally hanging by my toes from the awnings in front of the hangar. I enjoy jumping and sticking to walls like a gecko whenever feasible and inventing creative ways to get from point A to point B. I regard walls and ceilings as just floors with really poor traction. I had just climbed back into the lift platform and my supervisor had turned to take the controls, lower the lift, drive across the gap and raise it back up so I could get on top of the boxes on the other side of the gap.
Then that little voice said, hell, why not? It matters this time, so just don't fall.
I reached up and grabbed a girder, swung my feet up and hooked them over the I-beams, let go, and started "walking" upside down hanging from the ceiling across that awful drop, unhook one foot, advance, rehook foot, repeat. My boss turned to speak to me, and the look on his face was priceless. I've never seen a double-doubletake before. The first doubletake was him turning and seeing the lift was suddenly empty, and the shock and horror as he realized I must have fallen. He was looking in the wrong direction. By the time he turned I'd crossed a good twenty feet of ceiling and was occupying what to him must have been a physically impossible place to be... it took a couple seconds of scanning the floor below before it occurred to him to look elsewhere. Then he looked up and turned left and saw me happily walking upside down across the ceiling 36 feet above the concrete, and, well, it was just one of those things, you know? He asked a question about what I was doing so loaded with startled obscenities I don't think its legal to repeat it, but the reaction was gratifying to say the least. I stopped, turned, folded my arms as casually as one can when hanging by one's toes, looked at him baffled, and said, "What?"
He just spluttered for a bit, then came chasing after me at low speed without lowering the lift to "rescue" me from my position. I merely turned and kept walking, trying to look casual but not feeling it, because by stopping I'd interrupted the overall move and now the muscle-fatigue counter was against me. It became an invisible race against time and lactic acid as to whether I would reach the other side first, run out of gas and fall, or be picked up in the middle of the ceiling by the lift. I made it to the other side just as I was reaching the shaking and trembling with effort stage and the lift pulled up next to me seconds later, giving me a nice menu of unhooking options, boxes or lift. I chose to "crouch", bringing the girders within hands reach, grabbed, released my toes, inverted myself back to normal gravity and dropped into the lift as if nothing unusual had happened.
He was so astonished he didn't even freak out any more, just shook his head and asked me not to do that again.
I won't.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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***Out of boredom I spent 3 hours sneaking up on one (it can be done) in my garage and tagged it without setting it off.


BWAHAAA!:D:S:P And all this time I thought it was the acid that made me want to do things like that! B|

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