
I am completely Clueless...

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ok, so heres the deal...I am a Marine in iraq right now and will be for another 11 months. I was really big into skydiving and got about 7 jumps out from my A liscense. Well due to lack of finances I had to stop...(Had to get married--which didnt work out btw) Anyways, I couldnt afford the rig, or any of the other gear I needed.. Well Iraq pays GREAT! and now I have the money...and I am so set on taking a month off after i am back and getting a rig, My question is, should i go ahead and buy a rig? and if so should I buy the last size canopy i flew before i had to stop? OR should I just wait until i get back.. I know skydiving isnt going anywhere, but i really want to get one so I HAVE it when i get back? If anyone has a good suggestion on a first rig for someone like me, that would be great...What do i look for when I buy etc...

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Hey dude,

My advice? Chill on the rig idea for a bit, spend the money on getting your jump numbers up, get that A license and work towards your B. Depending on your skill set and exit weight (your weight with gear) you will progress very quickly through "student" size canopies: 230's, 200's, even 190's, etc.

In the mean time if your money is really burning a hole in your pocket, spend it on peripheral gear, a helmet, alti, goggles, dytter, etc. Stuff that you will jump for the rest of your skydiving career.

And like Andy said, when it comes to buying a rig, look at second hand gear. For your first 100 or even 200 jumps you are gonna be getting dirty a lot and there's no point in mucking up new gear. I bought my first rig at 50 jumps and am still jumping it today as my main container, i've put a 170, 150, 135, 120 and now even a 103 X-brace in it (although it's coming time to downsize my container).

That's my 2 cents. Oh and if you do look at second hand gear make sure you have a rigger inspect it before you hand over any money.


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Get home and get current first. Once your back, a suitable used rig will be easy to find, and as others have said, it will last you for 100-ish jumps. At that point you;ll have a better idea of what your needs will be, and maybe new stuff will be a smarter investment.

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If you're like me, you won't be able to wait!

Definitely buy your generic gear first. Audibles, etc., but not your rig...

When you do get back, rent for a while and decide on the canopy that you and your instructors feel good about. When you lock in on a canopy, go to a reputable dealer who you can stand in front of and look at used containers and canopies. Don't buy without looking, touching, and flying.

There are some awesome dealers out there. I bought a demo rig from Dave at the Sunshine Factory. I still use the same container. I downsized within the limits of the container (it is getting a bit mushy though) and sold my original main without losing hardly any money on it. I caught an end of the year deal and got an awesome price on my first canopy. The container is still in great condition. Parting with it for my next downsize (when I do) is going to be very very difficult!!!!

If you're wise, you'll do like everyone says and spend your money on jumping for a while. If you're like me...try and limit your loses by dealing with someone who is going to fit you and give you a fair deal. Keep in mind...WHAT YOU JUMP TODAY MAY NOT BE WHAT YOU WANT TO JUMP IN A YEAR!

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first of all

thank you for your Service in Iraq. and thank all those other Soldiers, with whom you work...

.. It's good that you have skydiving to focus on, and to serve you as incentive to stay safe, and complete your tour.....

May your first dozen or so jumps, after you return, be fun, challenging, and satisfying...

As others here have suggested,,, wait.. before you Buy gear..... Get the peripherals, and then spend some $$$$ on coach jumps, and yes, even rental gear....
Then check with your instructors, as you move ahead to acquire your own rig...

stay safe... good luck


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Dont buy new.

Really? Why not?
I say don't buy used unless you're on a tight budget that forces you to buy used.
If you can afford it buy new.

I generally recommend buying used for new jumpers (although I didn't) but I think military jumpers may be an exception to that. Call around to a few container manufacturers and see who's still offering military discounts. There used to be a really good discount on Wings and a couple of others, maybe Mirage? You can always get used canopies/AAD to put inside.

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Dont buy new.

Really? Why not?
I say don't buy used unless you're on a tight budget that forces you to buy used.
If you can afford it buy new.

For a lot of the reasons stated above. I'd rather see a new jumper blow $1000 on gear and $2000 on jumps and the skills to make them safe in the sky than $3000 on new gear. But if they can afford to do both, go for it.

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But if they can afford to do both, go for it.

Exactly. And being military he doesn't need to wipe his "arse" with bills to afford it. He can probably buy new gear for what some of us would have to pay for good used gear.

Fair enough. I'd still say he should get the A and work towards the B before buying used or new though. That way he can get a bit more legs out of his container. IE. buy a 170/170 and be able to put a 150 and 135 in it rather than buying a container fit for a 220 and only be able to go down to 170 or so.

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[replyFair enough. I'd still say he should get the A and work towards the B before buying used or new though. That way he can get a bit more legs out of his container. IE. buy a 170/170 and be able to put a 150 and 135 in it rather than buying a container fit for a 220 and only be able to go down to 170 or so.

You know I have read so many posts like this about buying gear. I bought new stuff. I bought a container that allowed me to put a 190 in it for a 1:1 loading. I have only had it for a little over a year, but I have no plans on downsizing for a good long while. Meanwhile, I am putting jumps on my gear at it is getting wear because of this, probably even more wear than most because I jump in the desert at a DZ that is very dusty. Had I bought used, I would probably have had to get some more gear, or would very soon and I would have ended up spending the same as I spent on my new gear and end up with the same sized canopies, not to mention the AAD.
My profile is accurate and as can be seen, I am still way new to this, but posts like that seem to say that you will be downsizing a lot. I simply do not understand that. I think I am pretty good at flying my stuff, but I know that I am no where near the point where there is not still much more to learn from flying my rig.
I simply do not understand how jumpers downsize 3 or 4 times in the first 200 jumps and end up with gear that is less than a 1:1 loading.
Certainly there must be those that get enough jumps in a short enough time period to make those rapid downsizings justified, but I would think that the majority of jumpers do not.
You buy new and it fits YOU, you are not having to find a rig that you might fit you, but was not made for you.
Just my n00b .02.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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Dont buy new.

Really? Why not?
I say don't buy used unless you're on a tight budget that forces you to buy used.
If you can afford it buy new.

I agree. Someone needs to buy new beginner-sized rigs in order to replenish the pool of affordable gear with 100 jumps on it.

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Dont buy new.

Really? Why not?
I say don't buy used unless you're on a tight budget that forces you to buy used.
If you can afford it buy new.


I agree. Someone needs to buy new beginner-sized rigs in order to replenish the pool of affordable gear with 100 jumps on it.


You know I have read so many posts like this about buying gear. I bought new stuff.

This is unbelievable. Two people actually agree with me. This calls for a celebration. OMFG.

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Call around to a few container manufacturers and see who's still offering military discounts. There used to be a really good discount on Wings and a couple of others, maybe Mirage? You can always get used canopies/AAD to put inside.

In reply to this, I am going to email a few people around and see what they can do for me...at least i want to be able to say I HAVE IT, ya know.. AT LEAST THE CONTAINER...I was at a 190 when i stopped SD... My instructor had me at a 210 for a while, then i was just like this is cool, and he threw the 190 and was like see how you like it.. then he explained that the 190 was different than the 210 because it propelled me forward more, and the 210, when I was hit the brakes lifted me up and set me down gentle, what is that called?

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ok, so heres the deal...I am a Marine in iraq right now and will be for another 11 months. I was really big into skydiving and got about 7 jumps out from my A liscense. Well due to lack of finances I had to stop...(Had to get married--which didnt work out btw) Anyways, I couldnt afford the rig, or any of the other gear I needed.. Well Iraq pays GREAT! and now I have the money...and I am so set on taking a month off after i am back and getting a rig, My question is, should i go ahead and buy a rig? and if so should I buy the last size canopy i flew before i had to stop? OR should I just wait until i get back.. I know skydiving isnt going anywhere, but i really want to get one so I HAVE it when i get back? If anyone has a good suggestion on a first rig for someone like me, that would be great...What do i look for when I buy etc...

New gear vs. used gear is something that has been discussed on here extensively the last couple of weeks. You will see a huge variation of opinions on what to do. Do a search and you will see what I mean. For me I bought used. Started off with a wing loading of 0.9....with a spectre 190/switched to a pilot 188 and dropped 15lbs of unneeded weight. Right now my wing loading is between 0.8-0.9. Finally after working out a majority of my landing issues - I am downsizing to a 168 pilot (new) which still puts my wing loading at about 1:1. My container is in great shape - considering the abuse I have put it through and fits me well even though I bought it used. I think what you get kind of depends on what your long term goals in jumping are, the amount of jumping you are able to do (seasonal vs. year round jumping), the financial side as well (although as I think someone mentioned some companies do give a military discount) and would you rather spend more money on gear or on jumping? These are questions that only you have the answers to. I bought used because that was the right thing to do for me - for others, the right option was to buy new. I wouldn't worry about buying a rig until you get through the training though - that way you have an idea of what your are flying. Thank you for your service....stay safe over there. -;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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ok, so heres the deal...I am a Marine in iraq right now and will be for another 11 months. I was really big into skydiving and got about 7 jumps out from my A liscense. Well due to lack of finances I had to stop...(Had to get married--which didnt work out btw) Anyways, I couldnt afford the rig, or any of the other gear I needed.. Well Iraq pays GREAT! and now I have the money...and I am so set on taking a month off after i am back and getting a rig, My question is, should i go ahead and buy a rig? and if so should I buy the last size canopy i flew before i had to stop? OR should I just wait until i get back.. I know skydiving isnt going anywhere, but i really want to get one so I HAVE it when i get back? If anyone has a good suggestion on a first rig for someone like me, that would be great...What do i look for when I buy etc...

New gear vs. used gear is something that has been discussed on here extensively the last couple of weeks. You will see a huge variation of opinions on what to do. Do a search and you will see what I mean. For me I bought used. Started off with a wing loading of 0.9....with a spectre 190/switched to a pilot 188 and dropped 15lbs of unneeded weight. Right now my wing loading is between 0.8-0.9. Finally after working out a majority of my landing issues - I am downsizing to a 168 pilot (new) which still puts my wing loading at about 1:1. My container is in great shape - considering the abuse I have put it through and fits me well even though I bought it used. I think what you get kind of depends on what your long term goals in jumping are, the amount of jumping you are able to do (seasonal vs. year round jumping), the financial side as well (although as I think someone mentioned some companies do give a military discount) and would you rather spend more money on gear or on jumping? These are questions that only you have the answers to. I bought used because that was the right thing to do for me - for others, the right option was to buy new. I wouldn't worry about buying a rig until you get through the training though - that way you have an idea of what your are flying. Thank you for your service....stay safe over there. -;)

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New gear vs. used gear is something that has been discussed on here extensively the last couple of weeks. You will see a huge variation of opinions on what to do. Do a search and you will see what I mean. For me I bought used. Started off with a wing loading of 0.9....with a spectre 190/switched to a pilot 188 and dropped 15lbs of unneeded weight. Right now my wing loading is between 0.8-0.9.

Ok a couple questions about this paragraph...
I know about the CONSTANT "NEW vs USED" I definitly have seen the 982375498237492 posts on here about it.... I think that because I have the money, i will get a used and definitly spend the money to jump. When I get back I am taking a month of leave and LIVE at the DZ so i can get my courses in, packin, aff and all the coach jumps etc. I think its just easier that way. I have been looking on the classified section and i know that I can find something that fits me, I am a big dude.. 6'4'' around 215lbs.. mostly muscle (nothing else to do in downtime except lift weights.)
Also about the .09/.08 blah blah... what exactly is that all about? I dont understand quite what the numbers represent, if you could explain that to me..

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Also about the .09/.08 blah blah... what exactly is that all about? I dont understand quite what the numbers represent, if you could explain that to me..

Those numbers are the wing loading, and represent the number of pounds each square foot of canoyp has to support. When you read .08 or .09, it should really read ".08 to 1", with the .08 being how many pounds to each 1 square foot of canopy.

If your exit weight, with gear on, is 220 lbs, then jumping a 220 sq ft canopy would put you at 1 to 1. If you downsized to a 110 sq ft canopy, your wing loading would be 2 to 1.

Good choice on the new vs. used situation. Keep in mind that everyone who voted to by new right away has been jumping for 2 or 3 years tops. Everyone with more time in the sport voted for buying used, and that should say a lot.

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I forgot to mention, don't worry about the wingloading right now. Get back, and get current, then talk to the instructors or the DZO about what size and what type of canopy would be good for you.

It's all just guessing until you get back in the air, and they can see how you perform, and you can discuss your goals and try out a few different sizes and types of canopies.

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New gear vs. used gear is something that has been discussed on here extensively the last couple of weeks. You will see a huge variation of opinions on what to do. Do a search and you will see what I mean. For me I bought used. Started off with a wing loading of 0.9....with a spectre 190/switched to a pilot 188 and dropped 15lbs of unneeded weight. Right now my wing loading is between 0.8-0.9.

Ok a couple questions about this paragraph...
I know about the CONSTANT "NEW vs USED" I definitly have seen the 982375498237492 posts on here about it.... I think that because I have the money, i will get a used and definitly spend the money to jump. When I get back I am taking a month of leave and LIVE at the DZ so i can get my courses in, packin, aff and all the coach jumps etc. I think its just easier that way. I have been looking on the classified section and i know that I can find something that fits me, I am a big dude.. 6'4'' around 215lbs.. mostly muscle (nothing else to do in downtime except lift weights.)
Also about the .09/.08 blah blah... what exactly is that all about? I dont understand quite what the numbers represent, if you could explain that to me..

Definitely invest in a canopy control course - it is well worth the money - matter of fact I will take another one as soon as I can.......;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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