
She should go to jail for this shit!

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I think that is a silly way to think, and I think it is scary that everyone seems to support severe penalties for parenting differently than they think is appropriate.

Ding Ding Ding!!! Right on, brutha! B| ( did I just type that? :|)
Anyway, I am pretty sure ( don't quote me on this:)) that there are still places in Germany where parents will go into little cafes and such for dessert, and leave the child in a stroller unattended!!!! One would think that is child neglect, but culture often dictates differences in child raising ( duh! :D). Anyway, these places are supposedly safe for the child and other parents leave children in carriages,etc, there.

But that does not mean I agree with Ms. Spears' little papparazzi moment:|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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You've all been conditioned to believe that THAT is actually a prosecutable hazard and intolerable risk

Because it is a prosecutable hazard. California Vehicle Code section 27360. A first offense is punishable by a $100 fine.

Not to add any other plethora of charges, i.e., child endangerment. Her failure to wear a seatbelt, etc.

Intolerable risk? There's arguments to be made on both sides. For my way of thinking? Yeah, it's intolerable. For others? Maybe not. But look at that baby's face and the steering wheel. A sudden stop would not be pleasant. Or what about a slippery kid working his way down to by the gas or brake pedal? Could be bad news. Maybe it's because I've got my own that I realize now the risks involved.

Whether or not this should or should not be a crime is a separate topic.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Amerika is GREAT! Everytime someone does something stupid they should go to jail. Everytime someone does you wrong they should be sued/shot. Everytime someone goes to jail they should be raped and beat to shit by negros named bubbah.

Wonderful country!

Edited to say: what a stupid fucking cunt she is.

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Well I guess thats what bugs me. If people in this country are so far detached from reality that they overreact this badly to something so -relatively- riskless theres something seriously wrong. Yes the kid COULD get hurt, if Britney drove like that all the time. But the overreaction level is to my eyes about the same as the child-safety fanatics insisting that your kid is going to die if you let them ride a bike without a helmet and you're a bad parent guilty of criminal endangerment if you do. How do they explain the fact that up until they got uptight about it, nobody was uptight about it and yet life went on? Untold millions of kids exposed to the "intolerable" risk of head injury for centuries. I'm amazed some self-proclaimed consumer protection or special interest group hasn't tried to get retroactive reparations for the exposure their kids USED to have before helmets were commonly available and regarded as a necessity. Go to any third world country, anywhere the society isn't so hellbent on micromanaging the citizens...literally millions of kids riding in vehicles in any manner of ways and it is not considered an emergency, or bad parenting, or even a perceived risk at all. They're happy to be going from point A to point B at all.
I find the whole thing kind of perversely fitting. The airhead celebrity and the airheads overreacting in such over-the-top fashion demanding jail and prosecution over something so incredibly trivial deserve each other.
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Yes the kid COULD get hurt, if Britney drove like that all the time.

Ever hear of Murphy's Law?

Eddie has laws?

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Yes but that is beside the point. The point is, certain forms of behavior have become trendy to attack or label a risk. Has little to do with the REAL risk, just that lately its become trendy to perceive it as one, whatever it may be. Fifty years ago we would not be having this discussion. The idea of legally assaulting someone, prosecuting them, for not using a freaking baby seat would be laughed at. Same goes for a great many forms of behavior...the only reason you perceive it as a risk is because someone decided to crusade about it, make laws enforcing their will, and TOLD you it is, and insisted loudly.
Fifty years ago if someone told you "You can't ride in the back of a truck with no seat belt! You'll get hurt! Its an intolerable risk, if you carry your kids in the back of your truck you'll be arrested, you're a criminal!" You'd have laughed in their face. It was NORMAL. Not risky, not intolerable child endangerment, NORMAL. A fundamental part of the childhood of every rural kid who ever lived, and half the suburban ones. Where was the outcry THEN? And if someone attacked you for doing so back then, accusing you of being a criminally negligent parent deserving prosecution, you'd have every right to explode in their face.
Nothing has changed except our insurance company-dominated society is out forever finding new things to disallow, control or charge you more insurance for doing... forever jacking up the perception of risk because that is what pays their bills. Insurance companies drive the phenomenon, but its people themselves who repeat the trendy public safety lines until they believe them, because they were TOLD to believe and accused of courting Murphy's law if they did not. If you aren't for mandatory child belt laws, then you MUST be all for child fatalities! You beast, you!
What I'm against is the ever-thinner excuses for legislating my behavior all in the name of eliminating ever-smaller fractions of hazard.
Its a classic slippery slope in progress. Fifty years from now it will be against the law, a punishable offense, to drive a car without a helmet. You could hit a pole, and that wheel is right there! The risk levels are the same. Defending your right to carry your kid in the car without a helmet let alone drive without one yourself, will result in you being attacked as a criminally negligent parent who doesn't want to be bothered to protect her kids from the certain hazard of a slim possibility of the creation of a slight risk of head injury, just like Britney.
Meanwhile your kids go to school in seatbeltless school buses, but thats an acceptable risk because the state is the one choosing to expose your kids to it. Its a punishable crime if YOU do it, but ok for it to be standard policy everywhere due to the impracticality and expense of retrofitting and enforcing the use of, seatbelts in school buses.
Its the incredible gap between the only acceptable politically correct line and reality that bugs the shit out of me.
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Did you even read LM's post about the woman who had her baby in the front seat of a stopped vehicle, was rear ended and the baby died after being hit by the airbag?

Having a baby, who's FREAKING skull is not even totally hard yet, that close to a steering wheel is just not smart.

If saying that a baby should not have its head mere inches from the steering wheel is trendy, well call me trendy.

It should be noted that I am in favor of the death trap playgrounds I played on a child -- hot metal slides, no rubber, all sharp edges, made me tough -- but putting a kid in the front seat of your car is fucking stupid.

And I don't need an insurance company to tell me that. :|

I don't care if she is arrested for it or not. I am still going to call her a goddamn idiot.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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that close to a steering wheel is just not smart.

No it is not. It isn't even out of line calling it downright stupid. What I'm arguing against is the massively artificially inflated perception of the risk, and the ridiculous level of overreaction involved.
The people making noise about this are making out like she was in an action-movie-esque situation with death-defying risk and the kid somehow only survived because they got lucky enough to get away without a catastrophic wreck setting off the airbag. As if the kids death by airbag wasn't a theoretical possibility at the end of a chain of events less likely than a double mal, but a certainty.
How many kids have died, grand total, by THAT one cause, out of all drives ever taken in a car? Her child's chances of dying by lightning strike were greater, statistically. THAT is the ridiculously remote risk people are shrieking about.
I have to wonder, how many undocumented mothers worldwide drive off with child at breast in countries where they don't regulate like this? How many millions upon millions of automotive departures under that precise configuration-wheel, baby, mom, happen every day in every town and city planetwide that does not consider it a crime? Somehow, they mostly manage to evade the horrible slaughter.
By the same risk/frequency evaluation we should all be in jail for skydiving... one of us jumpers dies every MONTH that way! (roughly).
I could go on, there are a great many newly-invented "intolerable" and now legally actionable, prosecutable risks whose probability is equally or even more absurdly remote, and they're all bullshit. Freedoms I enjoyed as a child, now outlawed. Climbing trees. Riding in trucks. Riding with or without seatbelt depending on REAL risk, not a blanket declaration. a 1/4 mile drive down a dirt road to a general store? I'll decide. Maybe I don't feel like making a big belts and buckles safety production out of a 30-second 1500-foot drive on an empty road. But the decision is no longer mine to make according to the law. A trip 100 miles on the interstate at 75 mph? Seat belt pretty good idea....the exposure to the risk is long and the speeds high, the traffic thick fast and unpredictable, and the odds are, ANY accident under those conditions will be dramatic due to the energies, numbers, masses and speeds involved.
Unfortunately there is no way to defend an antiregulation position without being attacked as somehow pro child-death, and so it continues, utterly unopposed.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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It's against the law.. She should loose her license.. So let me get this straight.. Princess DYE DIES from running from these poparatzi meatheads.. And Britney spees off in the car with her baby on her lap.. I'm suprised she didn't have a cigarette in her hands..

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The point is, certain forms of behavior have become trendy to attack or label a risk. Has little to do with the REAL risk, just that lately its become trendy to perceive it as one, whatever it may be. Fifty years ago we would not be having this discussion.

Ding ding ding!

Yep, it's a miracle that those of us who grew up prior to the 70's, before child car seats were invented, ever managed to make it alive into adulthood.

The best child safety device of all was Dad saying; "If you don't sit your ass down and behave right now, I'm going to stop this car!"

And we didn't want Dad to stop the car, because then we got our butts spanked. (That's probably illegal now too.)

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Unfortunately there is no way to defend an antiregulation position without being attacked as somehow pro child-death, and so it continues, utterly unopposed.

I was in the local supermarket this afternoon and they had a special offer for the new 'safety-vest'.

This bright orange thing reflects headlights and probably it IS a good idea to wear it when you are jogging late at night since the driver of a car that you see the headlights of might not see you and since you are deserving all the protection modern society can 'give' despite your brainlessnes, this thing is of course far better then running on the opposite side of the road and being extra careful.
(what were you THINKING, all these years...)

The ad on the package told me that these things were 'required by law' in several other countries

This suggest of course that I might as well buy it now, just to be on the safe side :S

Meanwhile, the safest car, from a pedestrians viewpoint, is - contrary to popular believe - not a SUV with a cowbar up front and airbags around all the occupants, but one completely made of glass, with a 10 centimeter knife sticking out of the steering column that is aimed right at the drivers throat.
(All safety bufs know of course that cars kill people far more easily outside them than inside them - the beast can bite you anytime when you are innocently walking down the street, but once inside its belly, most of the times it is pretty harmless, in comparison; to even the odds car industry came up with the airbag that - when you carelessly kill your neighbors children through reckless driving - will take a shot at your own child... ;) )

Even natural blondes would probably remember not to have a child in their lap when driving the "crystal GTI dagger"! :)
And BTW (title of the thread): although most people that end up in jail get there through their own stupidity, there is still no jail sentence for being stupid.

Society IS working on it... :P

Final thought: When driving eggs to the market, what driving style you think would be preferable?

Aggressive or careful?

"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci
A thousand words...

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Aggressive. Drive like you stole it and people will get the hell out of your way, thus eliminating the chances of being forced to make a sudden stop, endangering your eggs. :P
Seriously, though, be careful not to exceed 300 words in your posts, man. Seems to be some kind of major faux pas around here. I didn't bother to count yours, but people did mine and I'm waiting to see what the penalty is.
Please do hurry and get your safety vest. How you and the rest of the species survived walking down the road this long without one is beyond me. Doesn't everyone wear one?
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