
BDU's and Airports

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Just got home.... Do you know how many people commented on these suckers??!!! Everyone from TSA people to the pilot of the plane (SouthWest), LOVED them!! LOL!!!

I made the comment to the TSA (one guy was retired military) people that I didn't want to offend anyone of freak anyone out because I was wearing "fatigues", they looked at me and said, "those? they are great, PLUS you are not of middle eastern descent, etc, etc...blah, blah, blah. Your beautiful!" They mentioned all the "things" they look for when spotting someone suspicious. I didn't fit into any of the categories.

So all is well that ends well....


You being stunningly beautiful and all, I'm sure they made you look all the more striking.

(Guys, I met Bobbi last week. She is tall, slender, and drop-dead gorgeous!!! And from what I can tell so far, she's even more beautiful than that on the inside. There seems to be a lot of amazing women here, and she is *definitely* one of them.)


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I guess its kinda like what they say about fashion trends repeating themselves... There are certain things that are "hip" that I won't wear 'cause I was forced to wear them as a child of the 70's.
Maybe thats the same for you...you were "forced" to wear them...

Mine AREN'T from Wally World, they are the real deal...and I only like the wild ones with the funky color scheme. I have no desire to pose as a military person. I like "different" things and these certainly are different....especially all those pockets!!!!

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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No Problema there dude!, as long as they arent US issue and believe me there are patterns you may not recognize as being US issue... the key factor is the color, bright pretty colors is fine by me.

My daughter has camo with pink in it and that's a great example.

Recently I confronted a guy who was saying he was a Vietnam Vet. He was wearing BDU's the problem with him was is that he claimed to be 38 years old!!!! damn those cryo tubes!!!:P

maybe I should have considered his proximity to the mental health instuition nearby?

freaking posers make me ill!

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They mentioned all the "things" they look for when spotting someone suspicious. I didn't fit into any of the categories.

What's really strange is that on occation while traveling for the government... I've been tapped for "extra" security. :S

I know why though... and it's not because of how I look. :P
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well, you'll look like an idiot to most active duty/former military, but otherwise it wont matter...

in addition i've always enjoyed pointing out the basic disconnect in thinking that created the "Maternity Battle Dress Uniform" as well... :S
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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"well, you'll look like an idiot to most active duty/former military, but otherwise it wont matter..."

Right back attcha....

I have many military friends, hell the biggest employer in town is a Navy base...they don't seem to mind, but then again, maybe its my charm.

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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I have many military friends, hell the biggest employer in town is a Navy base...they don't seem to mind, but then again, maybe its my charm.


Well, you sure charmed the hell out of me when we met! I don't think you have anything to worry about with BDUs.

No disrespect to those who have served or are currently serving, but they are just pants. I respect you for who you are and what you do and the uniform kind of takes a back seat to that.

I wear BDUs all the time, although not current military issue. I would like it if they came in different fabrics and colors so I could wear them to work, but I just cant find any that do. I love all those pockets and the comfort. They're really outstanding and a lot of jumpers wear them, both BASE and skydivers.

So as I said, absolutely no disrespect intended when I wear my BDUs (usually tiger stripe camo)--I just gotta have those pockets!


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Walt, go here: http://www.gtdist.com and look at the 5.11 gear. A lot of it you can get away with wearing to work and such.


Corporate site.

Wow--that looks GREAT!!!! Thanks for the hot tip!!!!

BTW, I bought a pair of leather law enforcement gloves (the kind with the Kevlar lining) recently. The leather is really thin so they've got a lot of "feel" to them and are warm enough that I really like them for cool weather jumping.

They don't have as much grip or warmth as Neoprene gloves, but they are a lot thinner and you can wear them anywhere.


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