
The 100 Point Purity Test for Non-Virgins

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For those of you in a test taking mood this morning, a test that assumes that you've already done the deed. The real question is, what else have you done?


It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

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I got a 46% on this one.. Got 43% on the other one.. Guess I'm in the non-pure catagory. :)

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Total Questions: 100
Questions answered Yes: 70
Maximum possible Score: 100
Score: 71
Percent impurity: 71
Percent purity: 29
Explanation: You answered "yes" to 71 of 100 questions,
making you 71% Sex100 (29% non-Sex100);
that is, you are 71% in the sex domain
(your purity is 29%).

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Here is a big shocker!

The "Sex100" Purity test results:
Total Questions: 100
Questions answered Yes: 75
Maximum possible Score: 100
Score: 76
Percent impurity: 76
Percent purity: 24
Explanation: You answered "yes" to 76 of 100 questions,
making you 76% Sex100 (24% non-Sex100);
that is, you are 76% in the sex domain
(your purity is 24%).

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Almost 20 years ago a bunch of people at Baker House had nothing to do, so we grabbed someone's terminal (no one had PC's yet) and wrote up something we called the Baker House Purity test. It was based on this old hand-typed thing someone at Baker had come up with a few years back for a party. A year later I turned it into the extended version - 200 questions and a male and female version. Of course we gave them to everyone we could think of. It created a big stink at MIT, since one of the questions was "have you ever been raped?" on the female version. "How dare you claim a woman was less pure just because she's been raped!" the letters in the paper said. Which I had never even considered. I was 17 and wasn't thinking along those lines yet.

Forgot about it for 10 years. Then I saw a "Baker House Purity Test" on a website somewhere. Hmm. Did a web search and found hundreds of hits. It had taken on a life of its own. Not only that, but I regularly see other tests (like this one) that are copies of the BHPT. Never thought that something I had written when I was 17 would become more popular than, say, my patents on battery charge controllers.

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