
who are your skydiving heros?

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Kevin Hawkins' Daughter.

Josh is cool, too.

Those guys were true friends to someone they didn't even know. That's what makes the sport a real family.

Also, my real family, all of the ptwobs out there.

"I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love of the life I lead."
-Charles Lindbergh

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Kevin Hawkins' Daughter.

Josh is cool, too.

Those guys were true friends to someone they didn't even know. That's what makes the sport a real family.

Also, my real family, all of the ptwobs out there.

I swear to God I'm gettin in the car now and drivin to C Springs. I'm gonna wait for ya right outside the gate:P
L.A.S.T. #24
Co-Founder Biscuit Brothers Freefly Team
Electric Toaster #3
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A hero is someone who does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done without thought of consequence to themselves.

B. B,

I think you are the only poster that understands what the over used word "Hero" really means. And I think you know one, he wears a Green Beret.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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A hero is someone who does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done without thought of consequence to themselves.


B. B,

I think you are the only poster that understands what the over used word "Hero" really means.

really? hmmm.

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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I think you are the only poster that understands what the over used word "Hero" really means.

I am glad there is a difference between "think" and reality!

A hero is someone who does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done knowing the consequence to themselves and does so without hesitation!!!.

HERO is an acronym for He Expires Real Often
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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OK, so I am jumping in here for two reasons..

One I know what MJOsparky is saying ... about the word HERO.. and yet I know what the other's are saying as well.

But secondly, I would say that you, Michael, are my HERO.. I know that over this past year my skydiving has reached the level it has because of the time and effort you invested into jumping with me. YOU gave me what no other has in this sport. You listen to my endless questions.. you have made me think. You are there for me when I knew no one else. You let me be goofy when I needed to and you yell at me when I am a little over the edge.

We have a friendship that allows us to be ourselves... that my friend, is what a HERO is.. I know you have my backside anytime, anywhere and for any reason. As I do you.

I know I am better in the air because you have taught me to think for myself and evaluate what I can do and do safely. And how to see what stupid things others are doing.. and stay clear of them.

Without you, I wouldn't be who I am today.. in the air and out of the air. You are my Hero because you save me from more than just harm~~
IF you are going to be Stupid - you better be tough!

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A large percentage of the world disagrees vehemently with that point of view.


And your point is?

going out on a limb, i believe his point is "a large percentage of the world disagrees with you".
i also believe the statement was made in the context of you seconding bbarnhouse's post as to the true nature of a hero. i personally found bbarnhouse's post ironic, since it was in response to a statement that one skydiver had saved another's life, without giving thought to the consequences to himself. why can't the guy who literally saved my life be a hero? oh wait, you were asking a rhetorical question weren't you? how did that work out for you? what color are my toggles? why do yellow marmosets? how many jars in a bumpy road? what time is it? what point do you have to make other than: the guy(Kevin Vetter) who actively saved my life during a skydive is not a hero in bbarnhouse's eyes and you agree with her?

last question not rhetorical.
i wonder what i meant by that?

pulling is cool. keep it in the skin

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Thanks Red Headed Lady. (old man blushes) All that I have done is what others have done for me and I expect you to do for others.

I get a kick watching people learn, the light come on while they are in freefall and it starts coming together for them.

You listen well and learn fast Lady.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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A hero is someone who does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done without thought of consequence to themselves.

To me a hero would be someone who does more then needs to be done. Many people live there lives doing things that need to be done when they need to be done without thought for themselves. Its those that go above and beyond to make life better, without expecting reward that can be called a hero. Regardless if the person made on life better, or a group of peoples lives better.

A skydiving hero is someone who you look up to in the sport, for whatever reason. Even if its just because we want to look as cool as them one day, or because through their invention we had a medium to jump. The only person who can dictate what a hero is, is the person who is choosing the hero. To negate ones feelings because they dont agree with the the defination is wrong.

Every suicide bomber is someone's hero.

My skydiving hero's are Glenn Bangs and Mike X, they trained me to be a skydiver, and forever will hold a place in my heart as being the medium that helped me live my life to the fullest.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I am not sure what you are saying or responding to. But that’s ok.

If the actions of a skydiver fit the definition “A hero is someone who does what needs to be done, when it needs to be done without thought of consequence to themselves” I would say they are a Hero. But just being a skydiver does not meet this definition. jmo

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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