
Alex does serious, once.

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I just took some shrapnel right to the buttocks.

Well, at least now I will know when it is going to rain. :ph34r:

you may now be able to predict the weather, but w/o the foil anymo', you won't be stoppin those pesky invasive military and alien transmissions into yo' brain.

nice t'bogan.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I'll just say that I occasionally lurk in SC. Reading his posts though reminds me of the refridgerator magnet: "Stop using Jesus as an excuse for being a narrow minded, bigoted asshole."...which definitely applies to Robertson and his ilk....but I would turn this back and say , "Stop using Speakers Corner as an excuse to be an asshole."

I will say that I think you do raise some good points in the skydiving threads though...especially the long thread on better versions of a PLF. As someone who wrestled for 4 years in High School, it definitely made sense.

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If that causes people to think negatively about me, so be it.

See ? A little effort does pay off. :)


My apologies to anyone whom I've offended with my behavior recently.

The words will ring hollow and insincere without accompanying actions.

In a regular situation, people who were only mildly troubling will get community service.

What would be appropriate service to the online community ? I am at a loss for ideas though.
Perhaps the others could come up with a few suitable ideas. ??

You'll be a contributing element in no time. :)

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If that causes people to think negatively about me, so be it.

See ? A little effort does pay off. :)


My apologies to anyone whom I've offended with my behavior recently.

The words will ring hollow and insincere without accompanying actions.

In a regular situation, people who were only mildly troubling will get community service.

What would be appropriate service to the online community ? I am at a loss for ideas though.
Perhaps the others could come up with a few suitable ideas. ??

You'll be a contributing element in no time. :)

I think begging and groveling on his knees for forgivness would be a good start. :ph34r:

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While I respect the moderators for keeping things somewhat under control, I have a personal aversion to anyone being permanently banned from anything. Sure his comments were offensive, more so because it appeared deliberate.

Still, if I had a vote, I'd cast mine toward the "eventually give him another chance" category.

Jon S.
Deuteronomy 23:13

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"I think begging and groveling on his knees for forgivness would be a good start."----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A whole lot of green and brown bottled beer for a start.;) Then the groveling. Then he can get on his knees and...
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Too bad ya got banned. You got a sharp mind, a quick sense of humour. Gonna miss reading your posts in SC.

Your own fault you got banned of course, but still....

I hope ya get an option for time off for good behaviour. No one knows the ways of the mysterious Great Sangiro.

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Due to recent events I am implementing a new system which will enable you to understand my posts without any confusion or need to think.

Um, is the doggie part of this newly innovated system?;) I usually follow along quite well, but somehow I missed how we went from evil clown to basset hound:P He's very cute, by the way. ;)
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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