
Freefall vs. Canopy

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As I rocked out my Cat E AFF this weekend, I had ridiculous fun flipping and rolling around the sky at 120 mph (my Neptune actually clocked me at 163 crushing through 9k, must have been in the middle of a move) So anyway, I was curious to know what the majority of ya'll enjoy more. For me, right now at least, free fall is what it's all about. Do ya'll like the thrill of free fall or canopy work/swooping more?

Grendel Khan-The Official DZ.Com Newbie Forum Nuisance
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As I rocked out my Cat E AFF this weekend, I had ridiculous fun flipping and rolling around the sky at 120 mph (my Neptune actually clocked me at 163 crushing through 9k, must have been in the middle of a move) So anyway, I was curious to know what the majority of ya'll enjoy more. For me, right now at least, free fall is what it's all about. Do ya'll like the thrill of free fall or canopy work/swooping more?

I really like flying my canopy. If I can only make one jump in a day, it's a fairly safe bet that I will open really high and enjoy the ride. I'm not a swooper, but I still have a pretty good time under canopy.

I enjoy freefall too, except the thought of RW kind of makes me cringe. It's extremely rare for me to do that. That's not a slam against belly flyers or belly flying--it's just no longer my thing. I think with very few exceptions I'd rather stay on the ground than do RW.

Sit flying and head down and tracking dives are loads of fun.


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I started off liking freefall. But after a few hundred jumps, all of a sudden I began enjoying the canopy more and more until I started focusing on the canopy aspect. Freefall is optional. The canopy ride and successful landing is mandatory.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I am enjoying canopy control ALOT MORE now that I understand what is going on with my main. I am reading Brian Germain's book "The parachute and its pilot" and it is making up for all that which I did not learn as a student. I recomend it to anyone, it kicks ass.


Have Rig will travel ...

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I love the freefall, my last 3 jumps were me getting to do solos and pick what manoevers i wanted to do. that was loads of fun, until i lost stability, and was funbling, then pulled at like 3500 on my first solo, *planned pull was 5* shhhh, dont tell my aff instructers... but at the same time, i really enjoy being under the canapy too, and figuring out how it works by pulling this and that...
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CSA #720

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I love my canopy ride! - I certainly love the freefall - RW or Freefly ...and I've got a couple of birdman jumps, but I think that the canopy ride is the Shit. The more I learn about my canopy the more fun it is. Hop and Pops.....I'm all in !!!

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As I rocked out my Cat E AFF this weekend, I had ridiculous fun flipping and rolling around the sky at 120 mph (my Neptune actually clocked me at 163 crushing through 9k, must have been in the middle of a move) So anyway, I was curious to know what the majority of ya'll enjoy more. For me, right now at least, free fall is what it's all about. Do ya'll like the thrill of free fall or canopy work/swooping more?

I enjoy it all. No desire right now to try wing suit, or swooping. but I like both RW and free flying. I enjoy CRW the most right now. Mainly because of the technical aspects of what it takes to fly your canopy for CRW the time in air for the cost of a ticket.
Lets not forget accuracy. I like the challenge of picking a target on the ground before you go up and trying to land as close to center as possible.

Gunnery Sergeant of Marines
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I started off liking freefall. But after a few hundred jumps, all of a sudden I began enjoying the canopy more and more until I started focusing on the canopy aspect. Freefall is optional. The canopy ride and successful landing is mandatory.

Exactly what he said. Except, I am really bad at the whole canopy thing (accuracy) but the more canopy stuff I do, the more I enjoy it. I also am looking forward to buying a zp canopy! I demo'd one at the Empuria Christmas boogie, and WOW what fun! I got such a rush from flying it!

I love freefall loads though!


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