
Classic threads...

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One of my favorites was Jessica's rant from about 1 1/2 years ago. I don't have the link because I forget the title of it and it goes way back. But it must be a classic if I still remember it.


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Oh, oh.....

Oh my God, Mar...here we go again...:ph34r:

[url "http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=397718;search_string=Serious;"> HERE
is one of mine. I still can hardly believe that this is actually a REAL thread. It is one of the most absolutely disgusting and hysterically funny things that I have ever read.

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and more specifically


Rhino's thread. Still brings a smile to my face. So educational, so fun to read and think about. Oh so good!!
I like coconuts. You can break them open and they smell like ladies lying in the sun!

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One of my favorites was Jessica's rant from about 1 1/2 years ago. I don't have the link because I forget the title of it and it goes way back. But it must be a classic if I still remember it.

I was thinking of that one as soon as I saw the title to this post. And my all-time favorite single post was Kris' reply in that thread. It still cracks me up. :D:D:D

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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If you're a hottie and you know it: by Alanab

If you're still a hottie and you still know it: also by Alanab

aww, thanks paige! tear:D
i like those too! there are so many fine species on this site, and those threads brought most of them forward!

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Oh my god Rosa! I laughed till I cried!!!:S:S:S That is some Funny "shit." ;)

OMG, I KNOW, Keith!!! I laughed, I cried, I puked...it was UNBELIEVABLE stuff.

I read that thread before I ever posted at all. I was still an AFF student and was looking for gear on this website. It was my introduction into the forums...I couldn't believe it. I STILL can't believe that I came back to read more and more on the forums after coming across that thread. :ph34r:

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small BUMP...

First, let me comment on the obvious: if a "thread about threads" isn't a new level of PW'ing I dunno what is. Conclusion: I LOVE IT!

Next, there have been so many wonderful things on dz.com since I started hanging around here WAY more than I should. BUT, the undisputed champion is without a doubt the thread with the "skydiving babies video". Truly inspired, nothing could be better. I laugh every time I watch it.

Elvisio "late to the game" rodriguez

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