
The Golden Age of Skydiving - is *now*

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If they eliminated the need to climb to altitude, I think my enjoyment of the activity of skydiving would diminish. I like the airplane ride to altitude. I like the comraderie of cramming into an airplane for better or for worse and waiting while it chugs up into the sky. I like the fact that each jump is spaced out from each other jump by the time it takes to pack and get back up there. This is part of the magic of skydiving for me.

I hope I'm not alone in this regard.

I feel the same way.
Owned by Remi #?

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still wondering where the 'specialty aircraft' were at since we had to pay the fee this year....

Seeing how I got about $400 worth of free coaching with Airspeed and Morgan got probably close to $800 worth of free coaching with Airspeed I would call the $30 a wash. I probably drank well over $30 worth of free beer anyways.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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For some reason we are blessed with the ability to jump from 13,500 feet for a mere, oh, $ 16.00 US or so.

You must be getting a good deal somewhere cause most everyone I know running jump operations charges at least $17.00 minimum. Mullins charges us now $22.00 a Jump in Tullahoma.

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You must be getting a good deal somewhere cause most everyone I know running jump operations charges at least $17.00 minimum. Mullins charges us now $22.00 a Jump in Tullahoma.

I understand. I'm paying $ 23 at my home DZ. However, at the Eloy boogie, you could jump for $ 16/16.50 from Skyvans and Otters all day long.

But that's not exactly the point I was making. The point is, some day it will be $100/jump and affordable by a very few.

We live in a unique time when these amazing aircraft are available not as a novelty, once a year at some big meet, but at regular dropzones all across the country. Skydiving is accessible to folks of modest means. Gear is well-engineered and constructed.

It may not always be this way.

I'm just saying: Have fun now. Build up a great store of memories of grins and time with your buddies in the sky. Try a wingsuit jump. Do some free-flying. Learn to jump with smoke and jump into an airshow with thousands of adoring fans.


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I too am a fan of the ride to altitude. I know i am new at this, but if there were not planes than you wouldn't be able to say that you jump out of them and part of the fun is hanging off of/jumping out of the plane. Thats my opinion atleast, plus the ride up there is lots of fun if you are a plane with the right people. Nice view too. But i understand the cost issue.

Anyone who doesn't get a bit of a thrill when stepping to the door and looking down really should just quit jumping and watch it on videos. [:/]

I'm with you, Hambone. Hanging off and letting go is a huge part of the fun.

My stomach doesn't leap as I head on down the hill anymore, but it's still a blast!!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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airplane rides are dirt cheap,


we are blessed with the ability to jump from 13,500 feet for a mere, oh, $ 16.00 US or so

i need to move to the States our jump tickets just went to £20 each :|thats about $35+ i think .

i'm pretty new to the sport and feel privalijed to be part of it , and hope to see it develop more .....

Hey, one of your own just had a thread where he wished our fuel costs to be like yours are, because we're so spoiled.

When I pointed out that that would ruin the U.S. for U.K. expatriate (or visitor) skydivers, I was told that there's always Spain and a few other places.

But they're not the U.S.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Learn to jump with smoke and jump into an airshow with thousands of adoring fans.

Trust me, I am getting there as fast as I can. It has been a dream of mine since I was little! :P

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You are sooooo right!

Compared with the ratty T-10s that I jumped from tired Cessnas (back in the 1970s), these are the glory days!
Humans will never again enjoy such low aviation fuel costs.
Enjoy it while you can!
Now if I can just get my hands on a wingsuit .....

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For some reason we are blessed with the ability to jump from 13,500 feet for a mere, oh, $ 16.00 US or so. It will not always be so.

WOW!!!!! Dang that is cheap. With the cost pushing at $20.00 and very seldomn getting 9000-9500' around here, I jump less and less. Skydiving was a cheap way to have fun, but in recent years it has become more and more costly and commercialized. Think I'll most likely start BASE jumping and get further away from the high cost of jumping from planes.

Edit: jumped to soon, should had read further as I see that you are paying $23.00 per jump.


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