
Dear Miss Manners

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If a tip is already arranged via the automatic payment of your bill, it is far out of line for him to be adding himself to the list of people to whom you give Christmas gifts. He is not your family or your friend, and you have done the right thing by tipping him in the provided-for manner!

This reminds me of the South Park episode where Cartman assigns which gift his friends are to bring him for his birthday. It's rather presumptuous.

P.S. You stink!

(I couldn't go a whole post without being disagreeable to you! :D)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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What the hell did I miss?


A 'wonderful' holiday in Berlin?!;):ph34r:

Found out the hard way that 1 million people drunk in the streets can be a hazard!:)

Are you going to keep me on tenterhooks, or are you going to give, you lazy bastard?

What happened to you?!

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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(I couldn't go a whole post without being disagreeable to you! :D)

I think you only agreed with me to make me look bad.


DAMMIT why do you have to catch on so friggin' quickly! :P

Intuition. :|

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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or are you going to give, you lazy bastard?

That sounds like the note I got from MY paperboy!:P

Anyway...went to Berlin with the wife & kids... supposed to be one of the ten best spots in the world to celebrate...(we've done 4)

Out in the streets for the countdown...watching the huge concert a couple block from the Hilton where we stayed...shortly after midnight and the fireworks ended... the crowd turned UGLY! :o:S

There was reasonably heavy security at the gates to enter, but none once inside...

Several areas of the crowd mass started fighting, then bottles were being both thrown and used as clubs...it wasn't the WHOLE crowd, but rather several 'patches' of a few hundred people in several areas...all at once....almost as if 'planned' :|

Then major fireworks were being set off WITHIN the crowds...which got people panicked and the bum rush started...

I was trying to 'cover' the family as best as I could, and get them moving to safety...but it got dicey there for a bit.

Wife & daughter burned pretty good by fireworks, son got swept away for a short time until I 'Tarzan ed' through the masses to get him back...I had a bottle with some kind of fireworks in it go off just over my head throwing glass in my head & neck...the poor guy behind me was hit in the eyes...

the outside pockets of my jacket were ripped off...as were my wife's...they got her cell phone....

all in all....a 'WONDERFUL' adventure!

Right up there with the guys pointing guns at us during the Rita Evacuation!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Maybe jump pilots should affix tip jars next to the door? ;) Or on the dash for those of us at small plane operations.

I am a jump pilot and have never solicited tips but on occasion I have been tipped by first time tandems. the regulars usually give me beer at the end of the day wich is greatly appreciated.
Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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Mitch Hedberg, the comedian, said, "When I was a kid I had a paper route. I was supposed to deliver to two thousand houses...

...or two dumpsters!" :D

So it could be worse -- you could have a paperboy like Mitch: not even a soggy paper -- just no paper!

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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all in all....a 'WONDERFUL' adventure!

Right up there with the guys pointing guns at us during the Rita Evacuation!

Ye gods! I am going to hope really hard that the rest of your 2006 is better than your 2005 and the transition in between.

One thing after another...

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Maybe jump pilots should affix tip jars next to the door? ;) Or on the dash for those of us at small plane operations.

I am a jump pilot and have never solicited tips but on occasion I have been tipped by first time tandems. the regulars usually give me beer at the end of the day wich is greatly appreciated.

As a manifestor, I was only ever tipped once by a skydiver. I tried to give it back, but he wouldn't take it. Just the idea that a skydiver would tip blew me away.

Blessings upon you Kyle Starck and the members of Tunnel Rage, wherever you are.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Ye gods! I am going to hope really hard that the rest of your 2006 is better than your 2005 and the transition in between.


Thanks....I'm sure it will be....but just to be sure, I'm getting my reserve repacked a month early!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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