
7 Years Sober Today

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There are too many threads about getting drunk, as if it is something to be applauded, an accomplishment.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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I survived New Years, once again. Clean & Sober 7 years today B|

You have my congradulations. I am sober myself now over 13 years now. Your accomplishment is a great thing and you should be proud of yourself. Keep up the good work!
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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Way to go! I've known SO many people with alcohol addiction that have tried, and failed, and tried again, and failed, and have given up. Most never even made it to a year, let alone 7 as you've been able to do.

For those who have never witnessed it, it's a hell of a thing to kick. Much worse than cigarettes. It's easiest to never start, and in that regard, I've been lucky. But many have not, and some of the people I grew up with are in the cold ground today from one or both of these. Even my own brother died from a bad liver, and while not the root cause, his demise was greatly hastened by alchohol.

You're doing the right thing, and I applaud everyone's courage who have posted on this thread about their success story as well. A lot of people who joke about what you've done couldn't put down their cigarettes for a week let alone take on this feat.

Great job!

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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i've been drinking for 15 years! I love it! You guys are all just quiters;)

Someone dies, someone says how stupid, someone says it was avoidable, someone says how to avoid it, someone calls them an idiot, someone proposes rule chan

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Very Cool Bro!

Lotsa people give a shit, family, real freinds, your SO... congrats.

Many don't understand it's a fatal disease, with a shitstorm left in the wake...

3.5 yrs here now,, and all my skydiving brothers and sisters at the local dz know my situation and all are supportive as hell. I quit 2 days before a huge retirement party and pig roast at the DZ,, it was either let folks know or quit jumping, drinking was not an option w/o losing, well basically everything...

I hear the 8th year is the hardest!:P

Natural Born FlyerZ.com

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