
List your guns.. For academic use only

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To the Feds... I live largely in a fantasy world with my skydiving bretheren. We watch a lot of movies. Most of this is junk....

1. Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum (Stainless, Tasco LIR Sight)

2. Ruger Security Six .357 Magnum (Stainless)

3. Tarus .38 sp (Stainless)

4. Walther PPK 7.62

5. Berretta Mod 71 .22 (Suppressed - pasive/active laser)

6. Sako Finfire Range .22 (Integrally suppressed - pasive laser)

It's the year of the Pig.

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As paranoid as many of the gun owners on the boards are about registration and confiscation, I doubt you'll get a lot of accurate replies.

For what it is worth, I don't have any, but I plan to buy some Super Soakers squirt guns once my daughter is old enough to use one. :)
Edited for spelling.

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A beautiful 1916 SMLE MkIII* that saw active service on the Western Front and the associated 14" bayonet issued to the Grenadier Guards, Britain’s foremost Infantry Regiment.

A 1879 Martini Henri that saw active service in Africa

A Single barrel Damascus 12 Bore (Gauge to you yanks) shot gun with an interesting 4/10 chamber converter.

A double barrel Damascus 12 Bore shot gun.

Pistols and automatics are illigal here.

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Nice! Is that the one with the wood all the way to the front of the barrel? I have the bayonet..:S It was my Great Grandfathers - and my Grand dad used it to scrap limpets and mussels off the rocks for 30 years. When my Gran died I cleaned it up. Looks pretty good right now.. but the clip is forever shut.

It's the year of the Pig.

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1. 10/22 Ruger (.22 caliber rifle 11 bullet capacity magazine {I think I haven't used it in years)
2. Remington 870 express. ( pump action 12 guage shotgun) ( I named her Rita)
3. Glock 30 {{my love}} (.45 caliber compact and high capacity {10 round}) ( I named her Sara)
4. Will be another glock 30 so that I can learn to shoot left handed and go into high speed shooting competions making designs on paper targets. {ok I know I am dreaming here now}
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Yep - lovely rifle - 10 round magazine, bolt action and a simply gorgeous stock. The sight goes up to 3000 yards (says a lot) and flips up to be the sight for rifle grenades. Damn heavy to aim with the bayonet on the end though.

Should have been on e-bay a couple of months back - I sold off 2 SMLE bayonets (amongst others) for jump tickets.

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I like that Rem 870. There's a time proven design. I think their only mil use was in Vietnam... but I'm not sure.[:/]


The truth is I really don't know very much about it. My brother-in-law, who knows a little bit more about that stuff was the one who recomend I buy that one. When it comes to shooting I suck at it. I remember the first time I shot it after 25 shots I had blood oozing down my shoulder and then the freakin idiots tells me, (oh you need to hold the base snug against your shoulder or else it will hit you every time). Since then the best I ever did was was 17 out 25 in the beginner and 6 out of 25 trap. But hey the important thing is I am a true supporter of the second amendment and if somebody breaks into my house I guarantee I will not miss them with a single shot on my 870 (Rita). Sara I am not so sure about but she is oh so much fun to fire. I think I need to shoot another thousand or so rounds to get current again. I haven't shot in like 2 months. Its so damn expensive its just not fair.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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(oh you need to hold the base snug against your shoulder or else it will hit you every time.

And relax your upper body.. Be the willow - not the oak. You'll get fewer bruises and much faster follow up shots. What do you load her with?

(My Sako is called "Bishop" in case you think the naming thing is odd.)
It's the year of the Pig.

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(oh you need to hold the base snug against your shoulder or else it will hit you every time.

And relax your upper body.. Be the willow - not the oak. You'll get fewer bruises and much faster follow up shots. What do you load her with?

(My Sako is called "Bishop" in case you think the naming thing is odd.)

For Sara I used the cheapest 45/230 weight now hollow I could find (Blazer usually). I haven't shot my Rita since I left Jersey, I always shot the cheapest stuff I could find for that too. I wish I could get some reloading equipment. I probably would shoot a lot more often if it wasn't so expensive. Its hard when I think I could shoot for an hour and a half or I could just do 5 hop and pops for the same money.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Yeah - tight to your shoulder and role with the blows. I did a lot of trap and game shooting when I used to live in the countryside with my parents.

When I was out in Perris over easter had the pleasure of a day shooting a .44 Magnum and a .357 Magnum (both flaming hand cannons - litterally, we have them on film and in freeze frame you see

That thing was awsom - you felt the blast wave pass your face - I'll post some pics when I get home from work.

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I probably would shoot a lot more often if it wasn't so expensive. Its hard when I think I could shoot for an hour and a half or I could just do 5 hop and pops for the same money.

You gotta go the handload route - but not for defensive use. I handload for the .44, .357, 38 and 7.65.

:DJust imagined someone popping into this thread and reading "It's been a while since I shot Rita..." LMAO:D

It's the year of the Pig.

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I like that Rem 870. There's a time proven design. I think their only mil use was in Vietnam... but I'm not sure.[:/]


I've got a couple Remington 870's. I'm not sure if they saw use in Vietnam or not. I thought the standard issue was another model (maybe Ithica), but I wouldn't doubt that they were used over there. I knew a guy who was a tunnel rat in Nam. He was almost deaf from firing his shotgun in combat underground.

Remington 700 rifles were used as sniper rifles in the early stages of the war mostly by Marine snipers. I have four or five of them from 243 up to 300 magnum. I've heard they are the most accurate factory rifle you can buy (out of the box). I usually glass bed the barrel and action, fine tune the trigger, and then work up a good load for them. It's not unusual to get five shots in close to a half inch at 100 yards. That reminds me, I need to go out and do some shooting......Steve1

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1.Smith & Wesson Model 51 .22 revolver, 5 shot, 3 1/2" barrel. Originally purchased by my great uncle and given to my grandmother in the '40's; she gave it to me about 10 years ago. Has had less than 2 boxes of ammo run through it.

2. Remington Scoremaster model 511 22LR rifle. My dad got it from a wrecked vehicle when he owned a tow truck. I murdered many a tweetie bird, a mud hen and a skunk with this gun.

And if Dad ever gives it up, #3 will be his Colt Police Special 38 revolver; the one he carried when he was a sheriff deputy. B|

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It's not unusual to get five shots in close to a half inch at 100 yards.

That's going. Half MOA and with 7mil Rem Mag you can take things out to 1000yards. In good conditions and the right hands that could pull off a head shot - but I'm a firm believer in the chest shot beyond 600... specially with that kind of power on your side.

The 870 was used in Nam. This I know.

It's the year of the Pig.

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That's going. Half MOA and with 7mil Rem Mag you can take things out to 1000yards. In good conditions and the right hands that could pull off a head shot

SHHHH dont tell the guy from Finland that he will start biting your head off:P

WE gots some realllllly open country up here in this part of the world....


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