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Ok, since no one can ID me, profile at least, here it goes:
Browning 30'06 Limited Edition Safari Mauser with a Beulher Action (factory restored pro bono due to its heritage) Don't shoot it much cause its worth more than all my other guns put together.
Remington 700 7mm-08 wildcat cartriage bull barrel. Cryo and fluted barrel with a Leopold Vari X-III Scope (coyotes dont stand a chance)
Winchester 25-35 Lever action (the quintisential coyboy gun, low 5 serial #)
Model 98 8mm German Sniper (has the nazi stamps on it, showing that when the Nazi's invaded the country of origin, they enslaved the workers and forced them to continue making the weapon for the German Army) Grandfather handmedown. Freaks me to think of how many allies this gun has killed. Part of ugly history.
Springfield 30'06. Yeah that big ugly one with wood all the way to the muzzle. Dime a dozen.
2 Arasaka's Japanese bolt action rifles from WWII. One the infantry issue 7.62 x 54 and the other the paratrooper model 7.62 x 39 (much shorter) Very beat up. Grandfather hand me down again, and he hated the guns so much (product of the WWII Pearl Harbor attack) that he let the sit out in his shop in the ambient air. They got pretty wrecked, but I managed to restore the infantry model, but have yet to shoot it.
New England Firearms 45-70 Handi-rifle. Single shot break open cheapo gun. But fun as hell to blast the ever livin hell outta stuff. Too bad the rounds are like 2 bucks a piece.
Savage .22 plinker. Geeze this gun has seen some serious kid abuse. It was my first rifle and I have probably put over 100k rounds thru it. Its so worn out that every once in a while it will double or 3 round burst on its own. Heh, safety switch fell off about 10 years ago.
22. air rifle.
2 Browning BPS 12 guages. Duck hunting guns. One for me and one for anyone that wants to visit me and go shoot some dinner.
20 guage no name single shot. No idea who makes it, but I refinished the stock due to it being almost black with finish. To my surprise, their was English walnut beneath. Its quite pretty now. It resides at my moms house and has accounted for many moles.
One day I will own a very nice O/U.
Sig Sauer P229 .40 My first pistol. Fits my hand nicely and is made by the Germans, so you know it is made right. For Sale.
CZ Pistole Modell 27 Kal. 7.65 This was another one of the weapons that the Germans took possession of when invading Chek. It was taken off a dead German Officer in WWII by my grandfather when he was out of ammo. That pistol saved his life.
And finally, my latest pride and joy that I am currently shooting IPSC with is the CZ Standard IPSC .40 competition race gun. This has got to be one of the prettiest, smoothest shooting gun I have ever beheld. Its large and has a 6" barrel with a full dust cover. Its extremely fast and has almost no barrel rise. This is one of those guns that does make you a better shooter. No kidding, in the classifier rounds, you have to shoot 3 targets, 2 shots each. They ususally have a no shoot hostage covering most of them and I can hit the "A" zone in all targets in less than 3 seconds. Its fun as hell.
If anyone has a pistol and would like to shoot in a very controlled, safe atmosphere, and have the opportunity to shoot it in situations that will never find in real life unless you are actually fighting for your life, PM me and I will send you info on an IPSC club in your area.
Disclaimer: No, I'm not a redneck gun toting freak. I had the opportunity to grow up hunting with my father and grandfather, so the natural expectation is that I would continue the tradition, as I have. I feel fortunate to have inherited pieces of history, as evil as what they stand for in some cases. This by no means makes me dangerous, as much as states like CA and NY would like you to think. Owning a gun or any weapon for that matter is a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. I am reguarly appaled at the carelessness that people take with guns. The truth is, is that you only hear about the idiots that own them, and unfortunately there are too many of them.
Sorry for so long.

Controlled and Deliberate.....
Browning 30'06 Limited Edition Safari Mauser with a Beulher Action (factory restored pro bono due to its heritage) Don't shoot it much cause its worth more than all my other guns put together.
Remington 700 7mm-08 wildcat cartriage bull barrel. Cryo and fluted barrel with a Leopold Vari X-III Scope (coyotes dont stand a chance)
Winchester 25-35 Lever action (the quintisential coyboy gun, low 5 serial #)
Model 98 8mm German Sniper (has the nazi stamps on it, showing that when the Nazi's invaded the country of origin, they enslaved the workers and forced them to continue making the weapon for the German Army) Grandfather handmedown. Freaks me to think of how many allies this gun has killed. Part of ugly history.
Springfield 30'06. Yeah that big ugly one with wood all the way to the muzzle. Dime a dozen.
2 Arasaka's Japanese bolt action rifles from WWII. One the infantry issue 7.62 x 54 and the other the paratrooper model 7.62 x 39 (much shorter) Very beat up. Grandfather hand me down again, and he hated the guns so much (product of the WWII Pearl Harbor attack) that he let the sit out in his shop in the ambient air. They got pretty wrecked, but I managed to restore the infantry model, but have yet to shoot it.
New England Firearms 45-70 Handi-rifle. Single shot break open cheapo gun. But fun as hell to blast the ever livin hell outta stuff. Too bad the rounds are like 2 bucks a piece.
Savage .22 plinker. Geeze this gun has seen some serious kid abuse. It was my first rifle and I have probably put over 100k rounds thru it. Its so worn out that every once in a while it will double or 3 round burst on its own. Heh, safety switch fell off about 10 years ago.
22. air rifle.
2 Browning BPS 12 guages. Duck hunting guns. One for me and one for anyone that wants to visit me and go shoot some dinner.
20 guage no name single shot. No idea who makes it, but I refinished the stock due to it being almost black with finish. To my surprise, their was English walnut beneath. Its quite pretty now. It resides at my moms house and has accounted for many moles.
One day I will own a very nice O/U.
Sig Sauer P229 .40 My first pistol. Fits my hand nicely and is made by the Germans, so you know it is made right. For Sale.
CZ Pistole Modell 27 Kal. 7.65 This was another one of the weapons that the Germans took possession of when invading Chek. It was taken off a dead German Officer in WWII by my grandfather when he was out of ammo. That pistol saved his life.
And finally, my latest pride and joy that I am currently shooting IPSC with is the CZ Standard IPSC .40 competition race gun. This has got to be one of the prettiest, smoothest shooting gun I have ever beheld. Its large and has a 6" barrel with a full dust cover. Its extremely fast and has almost no barrel rise. This is one of those guns that does make you a better shooter. No kidding, in the classifier rounds, you have to shoot 3 targets, 2 shots each. They ususally have a no shoot hostage covering most of them and I can hit the "A" zone in all targets in less than 3 seconds. Its fun as hell.
If anyone has a pistol and would like to shoot in a very controlled, safe atmosphere, and have the opportunity to shoot it in situations that will never find in real life unless you are actually fighting for your life, PM me and I will send you info on an IPSC club in your area.
Disclaimer: No, I'm not a redneck gun toting freak. I had the opportunity to grow up hunting with my father and grandfather, so the natural expectation is that I would continue the tradition, as I have. I feel fortunate to have inherited pieces of history, as evil as what they stand for in some cases. This by no means makes me dangerous, as much as states like CA and NY would like you to think. Owning a gun or any weapon for that matter is a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. I am reguarly appaled at the carelessness that people take with guns. The truth is, is that you only hear about the idiots that own them, and unfortunately there are too many of them.
Sorry for so long.

Controlled and Deliberate.....
Canuck 0
Hey, Greenie...
"Sit back and relax! Please take politics, guns and religion to the Speakers Corner."
"Sit back and relax! Please take politics, guns and religion to the Speakers Corner."

JohnMitchell 16
Bring on the bronze brushes and Hoppes #9 and patches. You can touch my firearms all you want, you crazy Swiss dude.QuoteI like to clean my guns, or the browning... Actually I find it like a close experience with my gear...QuoteI don't mind packing, but I'd like to hire a gun cleaner.
Do you want me to touch your gear ??![]()

yarpos 4
seeing we are resurrecting tonto's old thread, I'll have a go:
while living in Switzerland the last 4 years (gods country for shooters)
AK47, SKS, Sauer 205 .308, Schmidt-Rubin 7.55 Swiss and a nice little ERMA M1 look alike in .22. Like all things Swiss the 7.55 was beautifully made and very accurate (still used today for 300m shooting standard in Switzerland)
Handguns - SIG210, SIG 226 sport, Rossi 357 and a Hammerli SP20 .22 IMO the 210 is the most accurate semi auto out there (maybe me just showing my inexperience...and...shock/horror its not a .45)
all sold as either grossly illegal in OZ or uneconomic to bring back and store while I did the necessary work to get licenced.
Back in Oz now (were its fairly ordinary to be a shooter). After struggling through the licencing process for a 6+ months, I'm getting a Glock 34 9mm to start IPSC here (calibre constraints apply by law here) but will probably be more limited in my shooting here.
blue skies and enjoy your freedoms
while living in Switzerland the last 4 years (gods country for shooters)
AK47, SKS, Sauer 205 .308, Schmidt-Rubin 7.55 Swiss and a nice little ERMA M1 look alike in .22. Like all things Swiss the 7.55 was beautifully made and very accurate (still used today for 300m shooting standard in Switzerland)
Handguns - SIG210, SIG 226 sport, Rossi 357 and a Hammerli SP20 .22 IMO the 210 is the most accurate semi auto out there (maybe me just showing my inexperience...and...shock/horror its not a .45)
all sold as either grossly illegal in OZ or uneconomic to bring back and store while I did the necessary work to get licenced.
Back in Oz now (were its fairly ordinary to be a shooter). After struggling through the licencing process for a 6+ months, I'm getting a Glock 34 9mm to start IPSC here (calibre constraints apply by law here) but will probably be more limited in my shooting here.
blue skies and enjoy your freedoms
regards, Steve
the older I get...the better I was
the older I get...the better I was
BillyVance 34
Not really a life-threatening gun, but I have a Gamo 1000 fps pellet rifle... good enough for scaring stray dogs from ever coming onto my damn property again!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban
Glock 21, 40 calibre with 3 Fifteen round mags..... don't need nothin else.

metalslug 36
QuoteGlock 21, 40 calibre with 3 Fifteen round mags..... don't need nothin else.
Say what ??!
I have a Glock 21, and I assure you it's 45 ACP.

Now, if I could just have a suppressor fitted...
Not mine. Just a 40. I have a shotgun in reserve if I need a bigger chunk of lead.

Ruger .22
S & W .357, the little scandium model (the one I carry since it weighs almost nothing)
Baby Desert eagle .45
Glock 9mm
Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
S & W .357, the little scandium model (the one I carry since it weighs almost nothing)
Baby Desert eagle .45
Glock 9mm
Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda
German M2
Ruger M22 22-250
Ruger M22 25-06
series 70 colt 45
Ruger 10-22
BLA BLA BLA BLA and the list goes on and on...
Ruger M22 22-250
Ruger M22 25-06
series 70 colt 45
Ruger 10-22
BLA BLA BLA BLA and the list goes on and on...

Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
Pre-Ban Russian SKS. Folding Pistol Grip Stock, Bayonet, 3 50 round Clips, Hell Fire Mod.
2 Post Ban Chinese SKS`s. Not Modified in any way of Course.
H&K 45
Winchester Model 94 Lever Action 30-30
Remington 742 Carbine (30-06)
Early 1900`s Montgomery Ward Bolt Action Single Shot 22 Caliber Long Barrel
1908 Smith and Wesson 38 Revolver
50 Caliber Black Powder Revolver (Kit Gun)
Mossberg 500 12 Gauge (Pistol Grip with 18'" Barrel)
2 Post Ban Chinese SKS`s. Not Modified in any way of Course.

H&K 45
Winchester Model 94 Lever Action 30-30
Remington 742 Carbine (30-06)
Early 1900`s Montgomery Ward Bolt Action Single Shot 22 Caliber Long Barrel
1908 Smith and Wesson 38 Revolver
50 Caliber Black Powder Revolver (Kit Gun)
Mossberg 500 12 Gauge (Pistol Grip with 18'" Barrel)

20 guage no name single shot. No idea who makes it, but I refinished the stock due to it being almost black with finish. To my surprise, their was English walnut beneath. Its quite pretty now. It resides at my moms house and has accounted for many moles.
How do you use a 20 ga shotgun to bag moles? We get them here from time to time (they kind of migrate around). They've undermined parts of the walkways, torn up gardens where my wife had not put hardware cloth under the plantings, etc. In short, we want them dead,dead,dead.
Please provide tips on using a shotgun on moles - I'm truly intrigued!

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."
2 Post Ban Chinese SKS`s. Not Modified in any way of Course.![]()
Of course you wouldn't put any little pieces of metal in your SKS that looks like a bent mini two prong fork that would make it shoot way to fast.

Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!
You must know Ladyskydiver.Quote


[insert raised eyebrow here] uh huh

Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.
Quote: Please provide tips on using a shotgun on moles - I'm truly intrigued! :Quote
Load, aim, pull trigger?
Oh yeah, I also have a Hatsan Mod 70 air rifle if that counts.
Load, aim, pull trigger?
Oh yeah, I also have a Hatsan Mod 70 air rifle if that counts.
Drags me down, like some sweet gravity...
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight...the silence is over, he's shattered the night!!!
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight...the silence is over, he's shattered the night!!!
I have many, but the the last four I bought where the S&W 500's(50 cal).
Massive Pistol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never shot a one of them!
Can't afford it!
One 15 round box cost me $39.50
Massive Pistol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never shot a one of them!
Can't afford it!
One 15 round box cost me $39.50
Skyworks Parachute Service, LLC
Finn 0
Beretta 92D 40 cal... work
Colt MK IV Government Model 45 ACP... home
Colt MK IV Government Model 45 ACP... home
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