
Cold weather equipment problems

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I and doing a little research and was wondering if anybody had any written documentation on how parachuting equipment reacts to extreme cold temperatures. Such as 3 ring release problems, zero-P problems and so on. Left packed in the cold, opening differences in the cold, line strength, that kind of stuff. And when I say extreme cold I mean like -50c cold.
Thanks in advance for any and all info.

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Nothing works when it's frozen...except maybe an ice cube. However, it takes time, at least 15-20 minutes, before even extreme cold will "soak" through to anything critical in a packjob, like rubber bands and AAD batteries. So just make sure your gear is above 40 degrees or so just before the jump, and you'll be OK. Extreme cold after exit is not a problem. The exception would be if anything, especially the 3-ring closing loop, was wet when you jumped. It takes only seconds in freefall to freeze a white loop, and therefore render your 3-ring useless.

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