
How low have you...

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After reading the post on " Going low, is this to low?" I wondered,
This is not a bragging contest, but what is the lowest reading your pro-track has recorded?
Regardless it was probably too low but shit happens.
Note: the reading is taken under a full flight canopy.
Don't BS numbers please

AND what are your audible settings?

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What is the lowest your Pro-Track has recorded after deployement.

Also, what do you have your pro-track alarms set to?

I've been under a fully inflated canopy at a little over 900ft, I had 60 jumps at the time, no cypress and no audible altimeter. I lost altitude awareness on a freefly jump and saw my friends deploy at 2500ft or so.. WAAY above me

I've never been more scared in my life, and the first thing I did was buy a ProTrack

Now my alarms are set at 5 and 3 in my regular helmet, 6 and 3 in my camera helmet (6000ft so I know the tandem deployment is coming up.. )


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Dont have a pro-track yet but when I do, I would still pull at 3500 to 4000 depending on which canopy Im jumping, I prefer to be in the saddle by 3000 , then again Im a baby jumper and have alot to learn before I think of pulling lower... the lowest I pulled was still 2500... and that just wasnt enough time in my opinion, at least for me
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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No cool audible yet, but I am with LM, being a newbie, my only solo I pulled at 5,000... :$ The rest were whatever was specified by my instructor. Well, except my first AFF, which was about 4,300 when my instructor pulled. But technically I didn't pull then so it doesn't count :S:|[:/]

"me you alcohol a rig a car and a bunch of planes what could posibly go wrong" - Pruitt

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Was in the saddle at 1000 according to my protrack this weekend. more like 1100 I think by my analog.

Canopies will snivel the longest when we don't want them to.

Not proud of this. Spending the rest of the flight wondering if you have scared your cypres is not fun.

Don't try this at home.[:/]

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I know I did one under 1,000'

I was waiting to see if I could get through the base of the clouds. :D:S

Obviously before I had an AAD.

I am pretty consistent at 2G now except the fact that it takes 800-1000 for my main to open. ;):ph34r::DB|

I definitely need to make it back out to Perris to jump at one of your Camps Kate. Just had to throw that in! :D:)


K-MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B|


"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Also, what do you have your pro-track alarms set to?

I think I'm at 4.5/3.5/2 for RW.

The first two are 500-1000 feet over when I usually plan to breakoff/pull. I set them so I have time to react to them if I've actually missed my breakoff time. Usually I hear them while I'm in the process of breaking off/pulling. I've flatlined on linestretch on my snively Spectre, but I've (so far) never heard a flatline prior to pulling.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Once got so caught up in sequencing a 4 way that we didnt get open until:$ 650-700 ft:ocould have become really bad day had the base not pulled out of the last formation....alerting the rest of us to our situation[:/]

Everyone had Altimaster II's chest mounted,but no audibles

DZO grounded us for a couple of weeks to ponder the err of our ways:|
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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a LONG time ago... trust me.... A much younger, sillier skydiver than the one that types now. But at least it was at night...and I was with friends...

Equipment? if memory serves me... Pegasus (F-111 7-cell), prolly a Rapid Transit container and either a round (Phantom) reserve or possibly my brank spankin' new Swift reserve. That is if it happened at all....

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Yeah I went ahead and got an audible as soon as possible, i am pretty distractable, but i have heard it flat line once but it is set at 4.5/3.5/2.5 Generally in the saddle around 2700 i have but a domed slider on my saber and that slows things down a little...THANK GOD.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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Some of us non sub-2k people don't have C or D licenses... and thus have container open requirements of 2500 ft or higher :P

I prefer to pull by 2500-3000 ft but I've seen protrack readings as low as 1900 ft on my protrack.

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I finally yanked my audible out of my helmet pocket one day after 50 or so jumps of not checking it to find I had been getting in the saddle at around 1700 on too many jumps. I had the first alert set for 4 and the "pull, pull motherfucker" tone set for 3k. So I set it to start going off 1500 ft higher and that has seemed to help the problem. I'm getting in the saddle between 3 - 2.5k which I feel alot better about.

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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My lowest opening was about 700ft. it was pre cypress era and I was in a 4 way. The only thing that saved 3 of our live is that I was wearing my altimiter on a chest pillow and was docking when the guy across from my pulled. He apologized later for pulling without warning but no apology was expected or neccesary. He SAVED MY LIFE!!! By the way I was jumping a cruise lite at the time.
Experience is a difficult teacher, she gives you the test first and the lesson afterward

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I never pulled below 2,00ft. I have pulled very near it a number of times in my AFFI course; it was designed such that the candidates begin tracking off at about 3,000 feet and must get sufficient separation before deploying. Unfortunately, my canopy take 800 feet to open so pulling at 2,200ish feet saddles me out (per my Pro Track) at around 1,400 or 1,500 feet. I spent a week of my life pulling just above 2k and saddling out around 1,500. I got comfortable with it but never liked doing it!

I pull at 3,000 routinely, which saddles me out around 2,200. This gives me a little time before my hard deck of 1,800.
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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