
Worst thing you ever drank

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-ditto on the coke cup spitoon...luckily I realized quickly and ran outside and spit it out and scrubbed my tongue.
-ditto on the milk but once again I caught it in time to run to the restaurant's bathroom and spit it out.
-as far as alcohol, and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet...one word...Jagermiester...blec!!!

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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#1 A "cement mixer" shot. Some friends and I were sitting around in a bar ordering rounds of different mixed shots. All had been good until Kris decided to gets cements mixers! I'd never had one and he said "oh they're real different, you'll like it". NOT! Blech! I coughed, hacked and gaged trying to get the taste of that crap out of my my mouth while everyone else laughed at my expense. Thanks Kris!:P

#2 Tequila...in any form. Drank too much of it during a Margurita Monday at WFFC one year until they had run out of margurita mix and so I started drinking streight tequila slushies. I ended up spending the whole next day on a couch in the fetal position waiting for the Angel of Tequila Death.:|

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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gotta agree with sunshine on this one.

Eggnog = pancake batter with bourbon.

WHO-TF ever thought up this crap???

Yay, someone agrees with me. I think i need to stalk you now. :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I believe I posted a thread dedicated to EggNog a couple years ago.

I flippin' LOVE the stuff! But, I try to avoid milk products---which sucks b/c I also LOVE milkshakes.:P

I can understand not liking it though---good taste is hard to come by for some;):P:)
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if we're talking alcohol, definitely something we came up with called goof. half a quart of vodka, a quart of hermit's port ($4 wine) in a two quart pitcher, topped up with orange juice. vile enough as described, but there was the time we couldnt' get the hermit's port so we went witht he hermit's sherry, then couldn't find orange juice so we went with lemonade. nasty stuff, but it would have you face down in the gutter unable to speak your native tongue. ah, the good old days. :S

non-alcoholic beverage, sour chocolate milk. i have a serious aversion to milk that even smells a bit off, and i remember tipping up a small carton of chocolate milk while in a truck, felt the big clump hit my lips when i tipped it up and barely got the window down in time to honk my guts up.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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One time in college, we ran out of mixers, and we happened to have a bottle of Boon's Farm sitting there . . . so I mixed vodka with THAT. YUCK!

Then there's always the shot I had that was made of Jager and Rumpleminz (sp?)! I very rarely get sick at night, so I spent the whole next day on the bathroom floor, mainly because that taste just STAYS with you, so it kept making me gag.

And of course, there's the oh-so-wonderful mind eraser. BLECH!

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