
Yep, got my XBox 360

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I'll be waiting for the next shipment or so.... but that's got the primo spot on Santa's list for my house this year too. Did you get it out of the box yet? This marketing strategy, or whatever it is, is kinda annoying, but wth?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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ahh but see you waiting only till midnight...we sat out in front of best buy from 2pm to 9am this morning...90 systems..i was #28..

needless to say i have the 360 now streaming video mp3z and digi pics directly onto my tv via xbox 360 and windows media center..

not the mention the games are simply stunning..

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ahh but see you waiting only till midnight...we sat out in front of best buy from 2pm to 9am this morning...90 systems..i was #28..

needless to say i have the 360 now streaming video mp3z and digi pics directly onto my tv via xbox 360 and windows media center..

not the mention the games are simply stunning..

You win!!! You waited 19 hours (Crazy...don't you have a life?:P:P)

You gotta let me know what games I should buy. Right now I have none.

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Of course. Shit is crashing a burning all over the place.

That is the reason I never get systems RIGHT away. Well, that and I will not spend nearly a grand for a fucking video game console. Not when I got about 12 games sitting on my table for PS2 and Gamecube that have not been completed yet. That does not even include the Xbox I haven't bought yet!

Plus, did you see the prices of the new XBox games? They were going for 60-70 dollars at EBGames. I mean, damn.

RULE: Wait and buy used. You won't miss anything. There are still people online playing fucking Halo 1 and even Quake for the the PC. So, its not you are gonna miss anything.

Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I heard it's the power supplies (again). One of the solutions to stop the Xbox 360 stablity is to hang the power supplies in mid air, or put a fan blowing at the power supply. Or prop it on the edges of an open box so that the bottom can cool itself.

I don't think Microsoft did real-life testing of Xbox power supplies in the overheated crevice behind a very warm TV set...

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I heard it's the power supplies (again). One of the solutions to stop the Xbox 360 stablity is to hang the power supplies in mid air, or put a fan blowing at the power supply. Or prop it on the edges of an open box so that the bottom can cool itself.

I don't think Microsoft did real-life testing of Xbox power supplies in the overheated crevice behind a very warm TV set...

ROFL yeah they just kept it in a 0 kelvin room whilst testing, come on.

You can do as much testing as you like you sell millions of a product in a few days the failure rate gives a very skewed perspective.

Personally I think you are gonna be a very very popular mum come xmas day.

BOOM Headshot

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I'm with you. It'll be 12 months before everythings stablized, the next gen comes out with all the bugfixes, better cooling and upgraded firmware and the developers actually start coming up with games that use the new hardware in a way that's close to approaching its possibilities.

That and things start getting cheaper. I dont think I've bought a full priced video game since 2003 except for GTA: SA, usually i just dig in the bargain bin for the top seller from 6 months ago.

Actually I havent heard of a compelling reason to buy any system recently except for the PS 2 (Halo just didnt do it for me after the previews of what could have been and what it ended up being).

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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That and things start getting cheaper. I dont think I've bought a full priced video game since 2003 except for GTA: SA, usually i just dig in the bargain bin for the top seller from 6 months ago.

Absolutely.; I bought GTA: SA new and that is about it. I am currently playing Paper Mario RPG, Metroid Prime 2: Echos and a slew of other games that came out at least a year ago. Its not like the games that are awesome are going to lose their awesomeness in the meantime. If it is fun, it will be just as good next year.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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lol yes i have a life!i just like to have the newest shit first..

and all this talk about the 360 being unstable...i guess it happen with a few systems...but i can only speak on mine..and my friends..adn none of us have had problem 1 with ANYTHING with the system..no crashes..no overheating...nothing...

and we have had them on and rocking since we got them..

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I got a chance to play my friend's 360 last night... wasn't too impressed [:/]

Let's hope PS3 is a lot better.

Didn't get to play, but watched others play at EB yesterday. For $400, also not impressed.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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