
250 bucks for a currency jump???

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Judging from your profile, you're currently living in Hawaii, right? That DZ on Oahu is the only one I know of in the Hawaiian Islands. $250 is a big fucking rip off, in my opinion. I would expect to pay that much in Japan, probably, but nowhere in the U.S.A. no way...

If it was me hearing that price quoted to me, I would laugh in their faces, or into the phone and hang up. :|

If you were hearing those prices billy then you should be happy. Because you won't be deaf anymore:D

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Judging from your profile, you're currently living in Hawaii, right? That DZ on Oahu is the only one I know of in the Hawaiian Islands. $250 is a big fucking rip off, in my opinion. I would expect to pay that much in Japan, probably, but nowhere in the U.S.A. no way...

If it was me hearing that price quoted to me, I would laugh in their faces, or into the phone and hang up. :|

If you were hearing those prices billy then you should be happy. Because you won't be deaf anymore:D

figuratively speaking, ya fat bastard... figuratively speaking! :D:D:D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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This is insane. All you need is a quick briefing regarding wind direction, EP's, etc., if that. Your next jump need not cost any more than the going rate for a jump ticket. Not only are you capable of jumping safely, you can even do a small way and will most likely fly just fine. I've spent my entire jumping career averaging fewer than 50 jumps per year, and have returned several times after layoffs as long as seven months without having to go through formal retraining, etc. Many of these situations occurred when I had fewer than 200 jumps. The biggest hurdle you'll deal with is the current mind-set among many jumpers who think that, because they make a lot of jumps, week after week after week, then anyone who doesn't meet this schedule is inherently dangerous.

You may not be ready for a night 24-way with borrowed gear, but you can make a skydive without posing any additional risk to yourself or others. It seems to me that if the DZO is so damn paranoid he should get out of the business and do something else with his life.

I, too have an "A" license. Nothing wrong with that. Best of luck. You'll be fine.

Jon S.

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I have several jumps over at that DZ over the last year, have my own gear. Just haven't made a jump since April. The email they sent said safety recurrent ground training and an AFF4 jump=250 bucks. I thought that that was a lot of dough too. I emailed the other DZO there and haven't heard back yet. Both DZ's in Hawaii make their money with tandems and I have no problems with that. I guess they have a monopoly and can charge whatever they want. I think I will just wait till I go back to Oregon probaly at Christmas and make a jump at Estacada.

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AFF and tandems should be free as well.
After all, the instructor is getting a free jump out of it
and a few bucks. All their gear is provided for them.
Hell, the pilot is just doing it because he needs to build up time before he goes to the airlines.

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You're kidding right?

Yeah, everyone should make money on the jump, but what amounts to a refresher, and a two-way should be well under $250. This guy has his own rig, so there's no rental, it boils down to two slots ($50) plus whatever the instructor gets ($20 for the refresher + $35 for the jump). So far I've got a total of $105. So who gets the extra $145?

Not to mention that this guy has already jumped (aka spent money) at this DZ, and presumably was getting curent to spend more. It's just wrong.

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In my opinion, your best bet is to talk to either Clarence (Skydive Hawaii) or Guy (Pacific). They are the managers for the two DZs. Clarence is the short guy with the white beard and red jumpsuit typically found herding people toward the airplane at Hawaii, and Guy is easy to find with his accent. If possible, drive out there and talk to them personally. The island is only 30 miles long and even from Diamond Head it's only a 45 minute drive. It that's not feasible, call them. Make sure you talk to them personally and not whoever is working manifest that day. The manifestors are usually frantically running around trying to keep the tandems happy, for the most part don't jump, and don't have the authority to work with you. Not bad people, just don't have the knowledge, horsepower, or personal connection to address your needs. Clarence funjumps regularly and Guy used to be a jumper. Planting yourself in fron of them in person will, a) give them a face they may remember from last time you jumped there instead of just a name and an e-mail and b) make it harder to say no. Quietly and politely explain: have own gear, last time jumped, $250 a little steep for you right now, you'll show up before the tandems one day to knock it out, etc. If they stand firm with the quoted price just say you'll think about it, walk the hundred yards to the other DZ and start over. Up jumpers are not the top priority for either operation, but they are absolutely cutthroat when competing with each other for everything and anything. From my experience one of them will work with you, one won't. You'll figure out which is which.

Anyway, that's just my 0.02. Hope it helps and good luck.

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Hey, I don't mind paying a reasonable fee. $250 is more than 12 jumps tho:P

After a five month layoff, I went back to the DZ I used to jump at, and jumped for the price of the jump ticket, and that's it. He told me if I wanted someone to go with me, he'd send someone up. I did fine... It's now been almost four months since my last jump, and the DZ I did my "recurrency" jump at last time is now closed. Dammit! I'll actually have to pay for it now... Or trade. ;)

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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