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New to skydiving with 31 jumps, Just bought my own gear ( used dolphin with a sabre1 190 main)
learning to pack right now, and have a question..

the sabre1 190 has two brake lines connected to the toggle, one line is the thick one with the cats eye in it and the other is a thin line with no cats eye. When you stow the toggle into the cats eye and stow the excess slack do you stow the second line with the same amount of slack as well? or pull it through the metal ring tight so theres no slack on the second line (no cats eye)
im thinking you wouldnt since it would pull through upon opening but im not sure...

any help would be appreciated....

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The question has already been answered but I did want to add that it's important to read PD's instructions on packing that canopy. They have some "different" recommendations for consistant openings and I found they did make a big difference as compared to the way the packers liked to pack it. The Sabre2 seems to open much much nicer due to significant adjustments to the design.


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They have some "different" recommendations for consistant openings and I found they did make a big difference as compared to the way the packers liked to pack it.

The Sabre1 190 I had was a shockingly bad canopy, and that's compared to my Sabre1 150. The double brake line thing seems like it might have been a band-aid fix to some fundamental opening problems on that size Sabre, IMO.


The Sabre2 seems to open much much nicer due to significant adjustments to the design.

The Sabre2 isn't an adjustment to the Sabre, it's a completely new design. The only thing they've got in common is the name and the number of cells.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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