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Random question for some of the guys who aren't working today. Girlfriend wants to start stripping....okay fine.....I wanna read up on some stuff. Problem is the damn filters here at work are blocking me from every damn website I go to. Probably gonna get fired if I keep trying to look stuff up.

Heres a link: www.stripper-faq.org/faq.htm

I would greatly appreciate, if anyone could/would....copying and pasting some of the info on the site to maybe a word document....then posting that file on here....this gets it through the filters. :D I'd really appreciate it!

Johnny Skydive!

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Try this man anonymouse

depending how your office is set up, these proxies tell the office you're on 1 site while viewing another.

If it doesn't work a bunch of this type of thing are listed here

"Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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Why I won't (usually) date strippers any more: Too much money for too little work. Makes them too fucking lazy away from the dance floor to do much. Plus when at the bar and not dancing, it is fkn boring. Does she smoke yet? She'll probably start. You're sex life may get fucked up too - she may want some time not simulating riding on someone. That time may be with you. Many strippers turn 35, and thiry-five yearold strippers are fkg pathetic. (Versus thirty-fie year-old moms with kids, some education, that take care of themselves - totally hot. Or, put another way, which would you rather come home to?).

Not to mention the ease of getting drugs/meth/heroin in any club around.

And yeah I'm pretty fkg pissed at the whole stripper thing. I visited one of my exs in jail a couple months ago - possesion of heroin/driving under the influence (many many counts). Shes out now, into the wind. Its not the heroin I'm worried about even, its the meth they often start using to feel better when the heroin doesn't work any more. Google "Faces of Meth" to see what that'll do to you. She was a totally hot at 19. I don't know if I'd let her stay with me or not now, my stuff would probably dissappear.

Sounds like you're probably not going to have much say in the matter anyway. If I were in your shoes (and not looking to ditch her anyway) I'd challenge her to save money. If she can save half the cash she makes the first month, then half the first year, then I'd say that maybe she'll be an exception to my experiences. If her spending just raises to match the income, I'd be looking elsewhere for a relationship.

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Well, if she were getting into it for the wrong reasons (in my opinion) I'd have told her that if she did....she'd do so without me. But she wants to help us make enough money to buy some land and a home.

She's still in school....so this would be the easiest way (hope it doesn't make her lazy)...it doesn't really bother me. I can see why it would for lots of people. But hey, good for her if she has the looks, guts, etc to do it. As long as she doesn't think its easy money and just a means to go shopping more.

Johnny Skydive!

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A woman does NOT equal a possession.


She is also not property.

That depends on the woman. Many women, to keep them, must to be treated like dirt. (Not saying that is the case at all for you agent.) Ignore them, cheat on them, whatever, they keep coming back for more. It makes them feel normal.Treat them well, they get bored and go to someone else who will fuck them in the ass and take their money. Did I screw them up? No, probably their moms and dads did. But what I say is true.

As for what agent said, I think it is it very reasonable for either party in a relationship to give such an ultimatum. How about you? Would you want your boyfriend to strip in a gay bar? He'd make a whole lot of money, might even come home late once in a while. Wouldn't you give him an ultimatum someplace along the way??? Does that make him your property? (Yes I am assuming you like boys, and only used gay for the stereotype. My bad.)

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In the hopes that someday my ex will read this stuff, I have to say that she wasn't the type that needed to be treated badly. In fact, she holds 99.9% of all other strippers in disdain, and pisses off all the other girls in any place she dances at. It is an interesting thing to watch. She is such a bitch. :D:D I love her.

(common knowledge, but I'll continue anyway.) What makes it hard to leave? The money. A decent Friday or Saturday night will bring in a grand each night, a very good one x 2. A weeknight maybe $20 maybe hundreds, all depends on the place and the night. Working at most any other job just doesn't seem to be worth the time. I think that I'd probably talk to her about doing it a year at a time. After a year re-asses the whole thing and what affect her stripping has had on your lives, and decide together (if possible) to continue or not. If you have the money for the house then maybe let it go, and she finishes up school.

You have to really trust her to not cheat on you, and you also can't be the jealous type. For her part, no free lap dances should be given. Regular customers are okay though, they'll drop a lot of bucks.

She won't have to bang the SCO to get a Friday or Saturday night, but she'll have to look the other way to drug usage. The bars have the experienced and/or good girls for Friday & Saturday nights, so she'll know how shes doing pretty soon if/when she gets those nights. Second hand smoke. Lots of it. Never count money out in the open, always in the back. Always always always, every time, she must be escorted to her car at closing (at night). Preferably your car so that when the plates get run by some schmuck your real name and address will come up not hers. Good luck.

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I used ot go out with a stripper/lapdancer.

I spent 3 months with her.
She told me what she done before we started seeing each other.

To be honest It didnt really bother me as I knew she wasnt shagging anyone (so she told me)

I was always offered a "dance" from her but I didnt want to see what she done for a job. I was more interested in her as a person.

Mind you she was a great lay.
I think they call them "gushers"?:P


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Never count money out in the open, always in the back...


And WASH YOUR HANDS after counting it!:o

I worked as a bouncer at Pacers in San Diego way back when....and I never looked at money the same ever since! (cooties!):S

Everything you say is true...and then some.

I did more than my fair share of " Fishin' off the company Pier " when I was there, and got to know many of the women rather well.

Just like most jobs...there were sleezie girls and professional woman.

One girl was working her way through Vet School....
One was bankrolling all her money into California Real Estate...and use to give me investment tips.

Others use to share crank needles in the dressing room.

Who you are going into it, effects who you 'become' there.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I worked as a bouncer ...

there are quite a number of interesting ex-bouncers around ...

including my Dentist :o who used to work at a strip club in Tijuana "back in the day" B|

oh yeah - don't forget THE POLE! Icky - disenfectant wipes ARE A MUST!

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I know you asked for dudes to reply so I'll be brief..
my very liberal and progressive EX husband thought he would be ok with it too.. and he was.. for a while.. the money is great, the hours are great since you set your own schedule and the travel is good.. not travelling to different clubs makes for a boring stripping career.

Unfortunately, the thrill of me being the object of other men's affections simply wore off. It was an ego boost to start, but then was an ego killer.

The drugs were easy to say no to for me, I love to dance, and that's why I was there.

But it DID make me lazy for real hard work (someone mentioned this)... I'm now way to spoiled to work for little pay!!! New husband was against it, so I quit. I found a new career that allows me to make near the same annually and keep my clothes on... I miss it sometimes.. it WAS a thrill.

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Unfortunately, the thrill of me being the object of other men's affections simply wore off. It was an ego boost to start, but then was an ego killer.

Plus, the clown hair kept tickling customer's noses. :P

No wonder you are so graceful in the tunnel. Love of dance is a grand thing.
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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Unfortunately, the thrill of me being the object of other men's affections simply wore off. It was an ego boost to start, but then was an ego killer.

Back when I lived in the IN/MI/IL area, there used to be a male stripper show that traveled around to local nightclubs and put on special shows on ladies-only nights. IIRC it was called something like "Fast Eddie and the Playboys".

A magazine sent a male reporter to interview the guys and write a story about what it was like to be a male stripper. In the course of doing the interviews, Fast Eddie gave the reporter a quizzical look and commented, "You know, you're in pretty good shape. Why don't you actually try it, then you will really know what it's like?"

So they talked him into it, and after some training, he performed in one of their shows. It made a really interesting read. The reporter stated unequivocally that it was the biggest ego high he ever had in his life.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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