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2 Instructors for an AFF progression isn't needed, should you choose not to do static line.
The private TAF program I teach works great!
I take them on 2 "working tandems", then do single Instructor AFF jumps with video for the rest of their student jumps.
Be safe
The private TAF program I teach works great!

I take them on 2 "working tandems", then do single Instructor AFF jumps with video for the rest of their student jumps.

Be safe
QuoteBTW, I'm supposed to graduate from SL tomorrow. Hope the weather's good
Push off at 45 and watch your nose!
Good luck!

Be safe
Croc 0
SL students learn to spot, fly and land. Every skydive ends with a landing. I learned via AFF and then jumped regularly at a Cessna DZ. From what I can see from my limited perspective, there is no advantage of taking AFF--and perhaps some disadvantages, i.e., spotting, canopy control, and landing. At most small DZs "coach" jumps are free; picking up the freefall skills comes naturally. By contrast, AFF is often overwhelming.
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."
Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy
Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy
Exactly why I choose S/L.
I am, err was, know as someone scared of heights. I didn't know if it would require someone pushing me out the door on my first jump (although when asked about this, they said they had a cattle prod, grin!)
I had video of the first jump, just in case I made the first jump, and chickened out after that.
And yes, I thought I would only do a few, but I think I will at least get my A, and some pictures of Mt. Raineer behind me, from 13k.
I also jumped because my Dad wound up in a body cast after about 12 jumps, back in WW2, and my Uncle tried to better my Dad, and broke his leg. So, I wanted to jump like they did, without anyone else attached or holding me. I can say I broke the family chain, but I did have a good chute, compared to Dad and Uncle's round POS.
I am, err was, know as someone scared of heights. I didn't know if it would require someone pushing me out the door on my first jump (although when asked about this, they said they had a cattle prod, grin!)
I had video of the first jump, just in case I made the first jump, and chickened out after that.
And yes, I thought I would only do a few, but I think I will at least get my A, and some pictures of Mt. Raineer behind me, from 13k.
I also jumped because my Dad wound up in a body cast after about 12 jumps, back in WW2, and my Uncle tried to better my Dad, and broke his leg. So, I wanted to jump like they did, without anyone else attached or holding me. I can say I broke the family chain, but I did have a good chute, compared to Dad and Uncle's round POS.
Arch? I can arch just fine with my back to the ground.
Ron 10
QuoteJust an FYI, that was meant to be taken as a question, not an opinion.
No problem, Im sorry if you thought I was jumping on you. I was just trying to say that maybe you should learn about the SL system a little more before you make that call.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Ron 10
QuoteThing is I don't see why AFF students should not be able to recieve just the same amount of canopy control ground school and debriefing as S/L. Certainly where I learned (AFF) my instructors were always around to haul me up if I did something dumb.
IT *could* happen, but it does not. Some off the top of my head reasons:
1. SL students the major focus is exit and canopy control. For AFF its body position and pulling.
2. SL student get a bunch more jumps under supervision. The complete program with no repeats is like 15-17 jumps....AFF is 7-8. Thats almost 10 more jumps with direct supervision.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Amen to that! I've had two lovely line twists so far. The first time I also had a malfunctioning radio so I got to land without instruction. Talk about a confidence builder!
Anyway, I don't think I would have done that well with AFF and definatley don't think I could have made it work financially. Also, going out of the plane by yourself and hanging off of the strut is another awesome way to develop confidence.
BTW, I'm supposed to graduate from SL tomorrow. Hope the weather's good
All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28
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