
PD Storm

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I haven't jumped it, so all this info is coming from the article in this month's Skydiving magazine.

7-cell, slightly tapered, not necessarily designed to replace the Spectre (which will still be produced). Jumped extensively by CRW dogs in test, and PD hopes to market it for CRW as well. Glides/planes out more than the Spectre. Available in a full range of sizes.

Edited to add scan of article.
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I put several jumps on an XC-170 (precursor of the Storm) this week as part of a commercial shoot. They were fairly high pressure jumps so I did not play with the canopy too much. However, general impressions:

1) Opens like a Spectre; very soft. Camera friendly.

2) Flies a little more aggressively than the Spectre.

3) Flare feels to me more like a Safire2 flare than a Spectre flare. More bottom end power.

The canopy will be offered in three basic configurations (RW, CRW, hybrid) but the basic canopy is the same in all three cases and should fly about the same, with the exception of line drag (dacron is worse than microline of course.) Per the PD guy it is currently available; the ads will hit in the next issue of Skydiving.

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Saw the ad in Parachutist. No info on their website.

I'm on the list for a demo. :P

Kim told me complete details would be on the website May 1st, and that your dealer could take orders for it now!

I've been looking for something that opens like my Spectre, but lands like the Sabre 2, maybe this will be 'the one'. :D

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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>could the Storm a good choice for someone used to Safire/Sabre kind of canopies?

I don't know; I wasn't able to try any HP approaches (other than double fronts) on the jumps I made on it. Hopefully I'll get another chance to try it.

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And now because of some last minute details, I feel like a liar. :S

The product details were intended to be on the website today, but are now postponed to Monday...aint that how it always goes.. :P

Anyone wanting some info about the Storm can send me a line at kimberly@performancedesigns.com and I will send you what I have. Yes, I have plenty of other things to do, but I did say it would be on our website on May 1st... Otherwise, please be patient while we sort it out...

It aint easy being patient, I know... :)

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And now because of some last minute details, I feel like a liar. :S

The product details were intended to be on the website today, but are now postponed to Monday...aint that how it always goes.. :P

Anyone wanting some info about the Storm can send me a line at kimberly@performancedesigns.com and I will send you what I have. Yes, I have plenty of other things to do, but I did say it would be on our website on May 1st... Otherwise, please be patient while we sort it out...

It aint easy being patient, I know... :)

It's Monday:P

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Official notice to STORM enthusiasts, straight from the PD Headquarters....

Effective immediately, Mondays have been eliminated from the week of May 4th - May 10th, 2008.
Please note that this week it will be SUN, TUE, TUE, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT.

We hope to go back to normal configuration very soon... (not "Katana-soon" though) and then be able to feature a bright and brillant new canopy on our website :)

People that don't care much about the STROM may proceed with Monday as normal :P

STORMY skies!

Blue Skies Magazine

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Official notice to STORM enthusiasts, straight from the PD Headquarters....

Effective immediately, Mondays have been eliminated from the week of May 4th - May 10th, 2008.
Please note that this week it will be SUN, TUE, TUE, WED, THURS, FRI, SAT.

We hope to go back to normal configuration very soon... (not "Katana-soon" though) and then be able to feature a bright and brillant new canopy on our website :)

People that don't care much about the STROM may proceed with Monday as normal :P

STORMY skies!

Can you make that apply to my company too? They aren't really Storm enthusiasts, but I'd like Mondays off to do more jumping!

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The Storm sure isn't being marketed as a boring 7 cell.

Their max recommended wing loading works out to 1.8 for the Storm, vs. 1.7 for the good old Stiletto, and 1.6 for the Spectre and Sabre2.

(This is for the 97 ft size only; I didn't check other sizes.)

Obviously attitudes to wing loading have changed over the years but still this says something about their confidence in the design.

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Its interesting that Storm its "accepted" for students while Spectre is not! Would that make the bigger size Storm a less demanding canopy than Spectre?

Edit to add the references:
Sabre2 230 Max weight for Students: 184
Storm 230 Max weight for Students: 173
Spectre 230 Max weight for Students: N/R (Not Recommended)
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I just have checked the STORM canopy on PD website and found it has the same shape and aspect ratio than the SPECTRE. However that can be a quite different canopy since PD could have changed: the angle of depression or glide angle, the position of the attachment points for the lines which makes the parachute to have more load on the front than the rear or vice-versa, changed the thickness of the cells, the orientation of the air intake...etc.
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I had a chat with Kolla about this. The Storm IS NOT an intended replacement for the Spectre (although that doesn't mean jumpers won't convert if they like it more). It is a 7 cell with 9 Cell characteristics (so I'm told) that is more performance than a Spectre, but slightly less than a Sabre2.

Flight Characteristics

I'll know when I get to jump one B|


Performance Designs Factory Team

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I watched the guys in Frayed Knot as they jumped this canopy last week, Kevin was getting some sweet swoops out of the Storm, and it looked like it has terrific flare power. The guys on the team said it does have a great flare.
Can't wait til PD has a few more of these shipping for demos.

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