
Neptune II problem?

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Hi Everyone,

On 29/04 on a training jump for 2-way Nationals, both my partner and I had problems with our Neptune II. They both gave us the 1000 ft signal, so we know it was on, however in FF neither of the 2 gave us an alarm.

First I thought we might have not heard it, but both of us not hearing our audibles seems very unlikely. An instructor/coach jumped one of them the following day and confirmed us that it did give a signal at 1000 ft(even though it was a different type of signal according to him), but did not give any alarm at the alarm/breakoff altitude(4500 ft).

I have e-mailed Alti-2 and they are looking into it, however a first look tells them everything looks ok. Battery might be a little low, even though my Neptune is still showing full battery.

We have only had the Neptunes for 3-4 months, and have never had any problems prior to this one jump.

Can anyone give me some insight, or let me know if it has happened before?

Didn't want to post this as an incident, but we were so low 1 of us did have a dual deployment when their Cypres fired. I am not blaming the audibles for us not being alti aware, but just don't want the same thing happening to me or anyone out there if it is a problem with the Neptune II.

Thank you,

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Hi guys,

yes all the FF alarms were/are enabled. We had jumped them the previous day and no worries what so ever.

Haven't really found anything of the type on Alti-2 forums. But I must state again that Alti-2 is doing there upmost to get to the bottom of this. They have asked us to send the Neptune's back, for them to test and have a look.

Thanks for the comments.

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>maybe you should consider a second audible.

If you take that path, get a completely different make/model, so any potential design flaws are not expressed in both units.

I recall a 4-way team that all had identical audibles. They were on a long hold at altitude, the audibles reset to the "new ground elevation" they jumped and they had four cypres firings. Had even one jumper had a different audible, that would likely not have happened.

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Just yesterday somebody came to me with that exact same problem (minus the cypres fire). I checked all her settings and it should have been working normally, but she got no beeps on the way down. Beeped in the plane at 1000 feet. Her battery was showing almost full.

Had someone also tell me that his neptune has started beeping on the way up in the plane at 10,500, but works normally on the way down.

I think an audible that doesn't always work might be the best kind... keeps ya on your toes! :)
But definitely contact alti-2 about it.


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