
Do you regret your tattoo/s?

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I have one on my arm that is over 10 years old. I have one on my left ankle that is about 8 years old and i would like to cover it up with something else. I don't regret getting either one of them though. In fact, my brother is almost finished designing my next tat. I have three piercings also and definately don't regret those.:D

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I've got 4 and each one reminds me of a part of my life. They are not like jewelry that you can put away. I don't regret them because that would mean I regret part of my life.
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My oldest one is twelve years old now and is covered up by another one. My only regret is that I did not have the original one lasered off first. The cover up is a fantastic job (by Aaron Cain!), but it's pretty dark in some places. If I would have gotten a big enough tattoo in that spot in the first place I wouldn't have had to do that. It's a shame that the military didn't offer free laser removal back then.

I would never consider removing any of the stuff I have now other than possibly the small one I have on the inside of my left forearm.


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I have three, about due for another one...that "feeling" is there again. Any who....each tattoo represents something very significant in my life. My way of thinking is to never forget where you came from or where you have been (if you do you tend to repeat past mistakes).

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Maybe it's just semantics, but I would have associated getting one covered up (or removed) as having regretted it. But, I can also understand the point of view that no longer liking one doesn't equate to regretting haven gotten it (is haven a word :D?)

I'm surprised so many people who voted are still happy to have them, I apparantly had some misconceptions.

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But, I can also understand the point of view that no longer liking one doesn't equate to regretting haven gotten it (is haven a word :D?)

Yes, it means a safe place or shelter. I suspect the word you were looking for is "having." ;)

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got one thats over 11 years old. and my mum was the one to get me started. B|

Ive got 3, ready for a 4th, and each has a significant meaning.
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You really have to think about what kind of tat you what, where you want it and most importantly WHY you want it. I said in my post that I am having that feeling again about getting another one, I have been "dealing" with that feeling now for about 6 months maybe a little longer. You diffiantly have to think it thru, after all it will be with you FORVER !!!(echo, echo, echo)

A miracle is not defined by an event. A miracle is defined by gratitude.

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But, I can also understand the point of view that no longer liking one doesn't equate to regretting haven gotten it (is haven a word :D?)

Yes, it means a safe place or shelter. I suspect the word you were looking for is "having." ;)


Wow, can't believe I missed that one :$:SB|:D

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If I had got the one I was about to get at 18 Yes I would have Regretted it BIG TIME. If I had got the one I wanted at 21 I would have Regretted it BIG TIME. I got my first tat at 36 (3 years ago) and now have 4 unless you count the 6 or so times I added to the first two. The first one was My daughters name then a recovery Tat then a couple skydive tats. Each have meaning unlike the first tat I wanted (Gang Related) and the second (Long Haired Cave Man Dragging his Cavewoman by the hair) Big difference between those and what I actually have ;)

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If I had got the one I was about to get at 18 Yes I would have Regretted it BIG TIME.

There were two separate times as a teenager that I almost got a tattoo, and I'm glad that someone talked me out of it both times. :D I did end up getting one when I was 22 (~ 12 years ago), and I don't regret it, but it's just a simple tattoo in a place that's easy to hide if I want to (on my shoulder), and it has a certain meaning to me that the teenage-induced ones wouldn't have had. ;) I may eventually get it touched up and/or get another one.

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doesn't equate to regretting haven gotten it (is haven a word ?)

No, "haven" isn't a word the way you used it, though you were close. You should have used "having", the participle form of the infinitive "to have".

"doesn't equate to regretting having gotten it"

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My tats range in "age" from a little over 13 years old to the "youngest" one at 5 years of age. I do not regret a single one and never will. Thought and careful selection go into the selection of a tat for me as each one is memorializing something very significant to me.
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