
TECH HELP! Exchange 5.5

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Anyone know a way to restore an exchange 5.5 servers information store to a new box. Server is dead. I have a complete backup of the exchange directory stucture including the .edb files, but I know that in 5.5 you have to restore them to the same box. I am creating a new mail infrastructure, so I am not concerned about the future. I just need to get the saved mail out of the priv.edb.

Any ideas?

Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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from a doc I wrote a couple of years back...

How to restore Exchange 5.5 in 10 easy steps..

1. Install Exchange so that the Org and Site are the same name as the one being restored from. DO NOT connect to an existing site. The server name does not matter.

2. Install any SP's so that the server is the same level as the one being restored from.

3. Restore the data to the target server.

4. Start the IS service.

5. Stop the IS service.

6. Run “C:\exchsrvr\bin\ISINTEG -PATCH"

7. Start the IS service.

8. From Exchange Admin, highlight the server and select properties. From the advanced tab select Consistency Adjuster. Select Synchronize with the directory and filter all inconsistencies then click OK.

9. Change the permissions on the mailbox to use the account you are currently logged in with.

10. Open the mailbox and export the selected items of mail to a PST file.

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6. Run “C:\exchsrvr\bin\ISINTEG -PATCH"

That's key....

I have to restore every couple of months to a different box to test our DR processes. It seems like everything is all fucked up until you run the magic isinteg -patch. Then magically it all starts working.

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are you restoring from an on-line backup or do you just have a copy of the databases from an off-line backup ?

With on-line backups the store is in an inconsistent state until the log files and patch file are replayed when the store is started in step 4.

Check the state of the store with "eseutil /mh priv.edb" (from wherever your priv.edb is located)..

you should see something like this:

C:\exchsrvr\mdbdata>eseutil /mh priv.edb

Microsoft(R) Windows NT(TM) Server Database Utilities
Version 5.5
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1999. All Rights Reserved.

Initiating FILE DUMP mode...
Database: priv.edb

Format ulMagic: 0x89abcdef
Engine ulMagic: 0x89abcdef
Format ulVersion: 0x620,2
Engine ulVersion: 0x620,2
DB Signature: Create time:1/13/2005 17:1:16 Rand:67798 Computer:
cbDbPage: 0
dbtime: 409273
State: Consistent
Shadowed: Yes
Last Objid: 510
Scrub Dbtime: 0
Scrub Date: 00/00/1900 00:00:00
Repair Count: 0
Repair Date: 0/0/1900 0:0:0
etc etc etc...

if it is consistent then just go to step 6 and run the isinteg -patch... If that doesn't work PM me and I'll give you an email address to send the app log to.

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I just have an offline backup of the entire exchsrvr folder including the databases. I am going to work on this tomorrow and I'll let you know what happens with the eseutil. Thanks for the help. I am not really an exchange guy and this wasn't setup by me.
Time flies like an arrow....fruit flies like a banana

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