
Police, Firefighters, EMS - Roll call

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Started driving ambulances as an EMT in AZ back in '78,, worked my way through college doing that in the summer and as a pro ski patroller in the winter,,, ya lousy pay, long hours, and society scum w/o the real TV editing,, so I became an RN, 6 yrs in CICU, and now I've been a flight nurse for 12 yrs in Eastern WA,, great job, better pay, and we really don't have ta put up with shit from anyone we transport,, paralytics are the sedative of choice!! This is the address to our "website" photo page,, kinda lame I know but ya get the idea,, sorry,, I don't know how to do the hyperlink...

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The hours are too long, the pay is a joke, and no one ever says "thanks". Patients are loud, smelly, and they bleed, spit, and puke on you. But I LOVE IT and wouldn't trade it for the world!

That sounds too familiar - I work in an emergency shelter in Vancouver dtes.

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Been out of the fire service for three years, was in for 4 or so, best damn time in my life, I still miss it.

I know its an old thread, but I need some vibes, I am putting in my application for the City of Greenwood fire dept, on Monday, already filled and all, with a couple of kickass references;) this is in the county that I used to fight fire in so I am know and will be moving back there with in the next 5 days, so anybody got any spare good vibes that they can share?

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Serious well wishes-Let me know how it goes-I'll buy you a beer and your very own copy of "Backdraft" (all firefighters have to own one-it's a law)
Dude, back in the day when I was first firefighting, I went through 3 copies, cheeseball movie, but damn you just can't beat "You Go, WE Go":P

Stay low, stay safe

I'm not afriad of dying, I'm afraid of never really living- Erin Engle

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Funny you should say that FF29. I have thought about going over to the Police one day. But the only thing I'm interested in as a specialty is SWAT. :)
"So Mr.... SkyAnt you jump out of planes of your own free will and you want to join the Force so you can...?"

"Cause I'd really really like a sub machine gun"

"Mmmm interesting. Well get back to you!"

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

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Always good to bump a four year old thread, Sangiro would be proud. ;)

EMT-B already taken care of... I'm in a firefighter mood today because we just finished the burn day for our Firefighter I course. Good stuff!

I'm taking the regional agility test later in the month, but chances are I won't get any job interviews. I'm too new, plus I'm finding the fire service has a bit of an issue with long-haired hippy types! D'oh! :S

Elvisio "locks blowing in the breeze" Rodriguez

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Ooooh! Old Thread!
Well i'm a firefighter for 'West Sussex Fire & Rescue', i've been wholetime since 2nd Jan '04 and i'm really enjoying it, for two years before i was retained, its kinda like your voluntary in the US but we get paid for it and are alerted to calls via a pager.

The British Fire Service is pretty different to over there, we don't have EMT's, the Fire Service put out fires, The Ambulance mop up blood and fix people, and the Police have nothing better to do than get in the way and hand out speeding tickets!

My Fire Service has a website if you're interested,

I've been Skydiving since i was 16, i'm 24 now and i love it!
Fire Service work pattern is two days 8:30-17:30, two nights 17:30-8:30 and then 4 days off, whats more we can sleep on night shifts! So i effectively get 6 days to do what i want, its great!


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Team Dirty Sanchez #232

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