
Royal navy drugs bust!

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Just seen on the news, royal navy pursued a speedboat with a helicopter and a support frigate. Snipers onboard the helicopter disabled the four engines and were able to seize the cargo and presumably catch the smugglers ;) It was a huge cocaine bust!!

Sort of things you see in the movies!


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thank god is was the British Royal Navy ;) if the yanks had tried to stop the boat, they would have used 6 times the amount of personel, and then they would have just started shooting at everything "wooping and a hollarin" as they do :P

a class peice of work by a class act ;)
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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And probably using a U.S. designed aircraft to boot.....

Hate to burst your bubble but... No.

Westlands Lynx was apparently the helicopter used, designed and built in the south west of England and probably still the holder of the helicopter airspeed record.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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And probably using a U.S. designed aircraft to boot.....

Hate to burst your bubble but... No.

Westlands Lynx was apparently the helicopter used, designed and built in the south west of England and probably still the holder of the helicopter airspeed record.

Just winding you up. I have to hear it all the time from British Pilots. ;)
Awsome job, and awsome helo.

There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?

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The US coast guard uses this method to take care of smuggliers from Columbia. First they start chasing them twords Panama, and then once they enter the Panamanian waters the police tell them to stop. The smugglers don't stop, and then the Panamanian police blow them up.
If you ever visit Panama and a police officer tells you to stop. You stop. They have a law where police are aloud to shoot a fleeing felon, and if you don't stop when they say stop you are a fleeing felon. Have a nice day B|
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
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