
post your pooch

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i know there was a dz dog thread not too long ago, but i'm looking to show off my pup and i'm sure i'm not alone. besides name age and breed, i want to know something more. tell me a story about your dog(s) or tell some funny personality quirk your dog has. let me know what you do with your four legged friend like hiking, hunting, competition, etc. lots of pictures of course.

emma is is my 4 month old golden retriever. she only pees next to the door, which tells me she is trained, and i am not. these pictures are from the other day on the south fork of the boise river.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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Very cute dog, I love golden retrievers :)
Here are some pictures of my dog, who is currently under my mom's care back home. Her name is Maggie, almost 4 years old, and she is a minature pinscher(SP?). People say they are hyper, but this dog is one lazy ass! She goes nuts when the doorbell rings, she just wants to kill. One time she ran out of the front door when I opened for the mailman and she snapped and jumped and his hands then ran and jumped up in the mailman's car. She sat in his seat barking and scracthing it up heh :)

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I've got two K-9 fur babies.

Foxy - Blue Heeler/German Shepherd, 11 years old
She is the queen bed hog and will stomp her paw on the floor when she wants a treat and you didn't get it for her when she first sat down in front of you telling you she wanted a treat. All I can say is doggy retirement has it's privileges.

Sherpa - Belgian Malinois, 14 months old
My little crazy man. It has been an adventure since I got him 5 months ago (feels like a year). Now that standard obedience is good to go we have started on the fun stuff, like teaching him to pick things up off the floor to give to Mom or Dad. Which of course we use for evil. If I'm in one place and want to give something to Derek I'll tell Sherpa to take the object and Derek will tell him to bring it then when he gets to him Derek tells him to drop it. It's our own Doggy Express. :D
Fly it like you stole it!

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Here's my baby ... an almost 4 year old white Boxer. We refer to him as the "big white cat" as he acts more catlike than doglike. VERY laid back mellow dog who's perfectly content as long as he has a soft chair to lay in and a blankie to keep warm, or is sunning himself on the hot tub cover!


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Bosley - This is my little baby bear Bos. He is a year old now, about 10 lbs, and hyper as all hell. He is a Yorkie Poo (Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle) He is what has gotten me through the last few days.
When he wants to play he jumps up and wraps his paws around my leg. He just clings to my leg and it looks like he is hugging me. It's his, "this will definitely get her attention" cling.

Bosley and Mocha - The second picture is of Mocha, a friends dog who is also like my dog. She is an 10 month old Shih-poo. She is so lazy sometimes. She will sit and watch Bosley rip around chasing toys by just moving her eyes around the room after him, without lifting her head. This is when they are not ripping eachother in half.

...the door was open


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Here's her baby picture.

oh my god!!! that is about the saddest puppy face i have ever seen!!!!:(:(:(:(

somebody play with the dog!!!:)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I didn't know anything about these...so Googled...
This pup is just excellent looking......

Heelers are also known as Austrialian Cattle Dogs, and they are great dogs. They can be pushy, but if you are firm but fair with them they blosom into wonderful pets who live to be with their family.
Fly it like you stole it!

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Hercules sleeping on the couch...

emily still does fall sleep like that and also laying flat on her back with all four paws up in the air :D:D many a morning i'll walk into the living room and find her like that :D:D
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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We love the chance to show off our pooch Quibby. She's a very smart girl. She loves to visit her home DZ of Gold Coast . Oh and the dance she does when we say "WANNA GO TO THE DZ?"! The first thing she does when she arrives is greet Ms. Jean for her daily ration of shhhhh.....whisper..CHEESE.. She's the biggest cheese whore! She is very patient and loves attention from everyone. Once we board the plane she hangs out in one of our gear bags and as soon as she hears canopies opening, she runs out and waits to greet us upon landing.

"to love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides"

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Molly is my best buddy. She's a Border Collie, 7 years old. She's a well travelled dog, having ridden in a car from SoCal to Florida and back, Florida to North Carolina and back, and Florida to Georgia and back. She's been to more dropzones than many skydivers have (a total of 10 dz's in 4 different states so far). She's also ridden in a horsedrawn carriage and on several golf carts.

The pics below were taken on a recent hiking trip.

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Here is Louie. But I call him San. It went from Louie to Louison to Louisan to just San. But San is the nickname. He is Louie or Lou. Or sometimes Wag, pronounced like wage. That came from Dawogus to wagus to Wag.

Louie will be 5 this Halloween.

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