
What does it mean when your cat sneezes a lot?

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I've had this cat for 5 months or so. This just started.

I live in Maryland. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that it is now getting colder, the indoor air is getting drier, and the furnace has just started to kick in.
Speed Racer

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I'm no vet, and I hate to alarm you, but that's a sympyom of feline leukemia (which may have a more official name). You should get him checked by a vet ASAP, because it's extremely fatal. Then, again, he may have a cold, but it's better to be safe.

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OK I'l get him checked for that. he's due for a checkup anyway.

Altho: He's an indoor cat & doesnt' get access to other cats. Also, I lived in a group house once. The landlady had a cat who the vets said had feline leukemia. She never developed ANY symptoms (except for cold like symotms for a few months as a kitten) & then lived a long & healthy life.
Speed Racer

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I just heard about a report the other day, that states many cats are actually allergic to people. Not sure how true it is.....here is a link:

It's true. One of my cats was having a horrible allergic reaction to something. I just couldn't find out what it was so I had allergy tests done on him. Turns out, among other things, he's allergic to human dander.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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replying to my own posts:

As a kitten, my landlady's cat would come into the closet where I was growing some plants of a legally-questionable nature. But the lights I was using to grow them gave off a lot of heat in those cold Boston nights, plus the plants gave off a heady but comforting aroma. After a few weeks of curling up right near where the plants were growing, her symptoms disappeared. And despite the vet's predictions, she went on to live a full & active & healthy lifespan.B|
Speed Racer

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It's the brother of the cat I'm holding in the pic. I ended up giving him allergy injections. He was getting lesions, and no matter how much I vacuumed and dusted, I couldn't keep the house clean enough. He still has mild symptoms but it's much better.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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Speedy, it's more than likely that it's a reaction to the heater/furnace flying the year's accumulation of dust around.

FIL/FIV (feline leukemia and feline aids)are two tests which are done at the vet's office, and should've been done when you first brought him in. Whatever cat comes into my house gets tested; I've never had a positive test yet, in all the rescues and adoptions I've done. That's not to say that it isn't a serious illness, but it tends to stay in colonies/groups...and neighborhoods. So I don't think immediately of FIV/FIL when a cat, previously healthy, starts sneezing.

Check him out really well...is there goop in his eyes *(or moreso than usual)? Runny nose? Has his behavior changed at all? Is he still doing all his business in the proper, trained place? Eating all right? Diarhhea or intensely stinky urine? Excessive crabbiness and/or energy level change? Any hiding outside of his normal routine? Any other changes that you've noticed?

If no, I'd say it's likely nothing more than the furnace. If yes, make an appointment for the vets come monday, and see what he says. If he's due for shots, then don't put them off; get them, sooner rather than later.

In the mean time, watch him a bit, and see if there's any sort of change. I'll be around this weekend (if my internet connection stays together, that is...[:/]:S) so don't hesitate to send a pm.


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You may be right Michelle. Now I remember that the night it started was the night the furnace kicked in. He was sneezing on my bed. And that night I woke up & coincidentally, I started sneezing too. it felt like something dry & itchy in my nose. But my sneezing went away after a few minutes. The male cat is still having sneezing fits. Strangely though, his sister is not.
Speed Racer

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Over the past 15 years or so, I've actually had two of my cats test positive and both times turned out to be false alarms.

And Speedy, what's really funny about your landlady's cat and what was growing in your closet is that when my youngest cat tested positive last year, the vet made me wait a month before retesting and also told me she highly doubetd that the results would be any different. (Needless to say, she no longer treats ANY of my cats![:/]) So, anyway, I started out all freaked out and depressed, then I just accepted that it might be true and started doing research on the disease and how to live with and care for an infected cat. Several people on various websites cited positive benefits from marijuana. Could be what you were growing in your closet cured your landlady's cat! lol

Michele (the cat whisperer)'s post is as usual spot on accurate. You should get it checked out, but if its just sneezing and your cat is otherwise actingi normally, I doubt its anything serious!

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