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I don't know if Kat is a dz.commer or not but if anyone knows Kat who is a packer and is passing through AZ at this time. She called me in Sebastian the other day looking for packing work for the winter.

I took her name and number and (those of you who know me will never guess) then I lost it.

I told her that I thought I was pretty well set but of course, we all know how it goes in skydiving my plans have gone awry and if she calls me soon or just shows up on my doorstep - it would be fantastic!

Call me Kat or someone please let her know I'm looking for her.

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She is the best damned packer/manifest chick we ever had at Elsinore. I was very very sad to see her go, but life moved on for her. . .

Yes, she hates having her picture taken.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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