Alright! I've had it with winter. Looking for fake husband so I can move to AZ and jump for the rest of my life.
flyinchicken, in The Bonfire
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Maybe I should edit too say "Looking for a fake husband and a hot girlfriend".

"Diligent observation leads to pure abstraction". Lari Pittman
bill- 0
Maybe I should edit too say "Looking for a fake husband and a hot girlfriend".
You've been stringing me along way too long baby, I am officially withdrawing my offer.
Have fun in Georgia with the humidity and the mosquitos

QuoteI thought Arnold passed the law for same sex marrage in CA?
VSG will you marry me?
Well, I'll check with my BF, and I'll get back to you, pretty chick.
QuoteHave fun in Georgia with the humidity and the mosquitos
In Winter?? Not much of an issue.
Anyway.. We both lost to VSG. No shame in that.

QuoteMy 1st and only rig was a used Reflex.
you still jump it? I'll look for the little brunette with the R on her back.
I'm not jumping at all, but I will be flying in the tunnel on Friday night and Sunday morning. I might even go to the beach on Saturday morning, but I'll be there for the party on Sat. night!

Ummmmmmm I think I've been dumped twice in this thread.

"Diligent observation leads to pure abstraction". Lari Pittman
ntrprnr 0
Flying Chicken, I have over 1.9 million frequent flier miles. Where shall we go?
Name the warm place.
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."
DaGimp 0
QuoteUmmmmmmm I think I've been dumped twice in this thread
its not that you have been have had plenty of offers....just cant make up your own mind....dont ya know that guys dont beg....except in the bedroom, then its fun...and they dont wait around forever for people to make up their minds.....well.....maybe the desprete ones do.
you have had 2 offers for NC
2 offers for AZ
1 offer for CA....i think
1 offer for GA
and god knows how many more via PM's
what more you want????

Ok, well...maybe one of my male friends, like Nicky or Keith will be your fake husband, so you can come out to SoCal. That would be awesome! You, me and my SoCal friends could have so much fun!
Wait...I just realized that Nick may still be married, actually.

Honestly, you do have MANY offers, girl. You simply need to choose. (Btw, I think that since it's a "fake husband", you don't need to choose just one.) Hugs to the Fly Chickie!

benforde 0
QuoteI'm not jumping at all,
>I'm sorry to hear that.
but I will be flying in the tunnel on Friday night and Sunday morning.
>In that pinche little one in Perris (kidding)
I might even go to the beach on Saturday morning,
>Now that sounds like a plan, can I come too? *screeching tire sound* oops noooo... you can take the girl out of the reflex but not the reflex out of the girl.
but I'll be there for the party on Sat. night!
>We should be there.
Maybe I should edit too say "Looking for a fake husband and a hot girlfriend".
How about a hot, fake husband and a girlfriend?

we could find a way to mak it warm here
benforde 0

Canada in the summer and Eloy in the winter... sounds like a plan.
(edited to add: Costa Rica in the fall and Thailand in the spring)
Quote(Not a lot to climb around here
Sorry, I gotta climb or I get really bitchy!
I forgot! We have some VERY tall condo's arround here!

"You made my panties wet!" Skymama (Fitz 09)
"Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
RevJim 0
QuoteQuoteMy 1st and only rig was a used Reflex.
Damn good rig! I loved that rig more than life itself.
Well, if you did, trust me, you really did...

Oh, and FYI to keep the thread kinda sorta on topic, I'm married to a real wife, so I'd make the perfect fake husband you could jump for the rest of your life. It's the moving to AZ part that bites. I don't care if it's a dry heat, IT'S FUCKING HOT!

RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1
ryno1972 0
Ok here Goes...........
You would have to put up with my wife's bitching, since your pretty hot, she would bitch alot.
I am not sure about the three-some thing, the one I have had in my 33 years of existence was pretty cool.
I grope in my sleep
It gets a little cold in Georgia, but it is tolerable, you might get a little snot on your goggles.
We are pretty close to Tennessee, alot of climbing there

Ashtanga 0
I have a 12 inch penis that is the size of your fist and I will pay for your jumps.

I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

Andy, I realize you were responding to Falling Angel's post, but your post is right after Ashtanga's! ROFLOL

you still jump it? I'll look for the little brunette with the R on her back.
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