
time well spent???

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OK here is the scoop. My roommates are gone for the weekend, along with anyone else who goes to school due to fall break, my boyfriend is flying in but not till Monday night, and its raining so hard that you need a life vest when you go outside for fear of drowning! What do you do??? Here is my list thus far:

1. cleaned the entire house
2. rearranged my room
3. done laundry to last a year
4. watched two movies
5. slept in (I NEVER SLEEP IN!!)

Now I am at a loss. Most the weekends are spent at the DZ and if not there its hanging out with the girls... but what to do if your options are all scratched. I would love to go outside but I am afraid I will wash away!

Anyone got any ideas or perhaps a very large plug to stop this incessant rain???[:/]:(

"So broccoli, mother says your good for me,well I'm afraid i'm not good for you!" - Stewie from Family Guy

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a few lines of coke never hurt anyone....... that's my sugestion.. or maybe a couple bottles of alcohol.... the good stuff 190 proff strait up.. yeah that's it.......... try this healthy stuff and see how it works out for ya... you'll be plenty ready for the bf to arive....lol.... have a good time

"i have no reader's digest version"

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