
Keeping open wine fresh!

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Like, how long?

Depends on the wine. I've had whites last up to a week in the fridge. Heck, I've had whites last longer than that but they'd lost there edge a bit. Still drinkable, better for cooking.

We used to do a lot of "tests" back when I was working at this wine bar years ago. We'd open a few bottles of the same wine and refrigerate some, vacuvin some, gas some and let some just sit with a cork in. Then we'd taste them each day and rate them (that was a fun job!). Some wines would last 2 or 3 days and others would last a week or more. Get a big fat red from Italy or Spain that was just released and you can get an idea of how it's going to age by how it evolves in an open bottle. Sometimes it gets even better for the first couple of days then it begins to soften and oxidize. It all seems so exciting doesn't it?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Ok, so I go to Henry's (I don't think you guys have those up in Nor Cal - kinda' like Trader Joe's, wait do you have those?). Anyway, I buy the best cheap wine I can find for cooking (like sauteed mushrooms....yum), probably about $10 (yes, I know-very cheap) and usually from Mendocino, and usually a run of the mill Chardonay. Anyway, cooking with it that same wine about 2-3 weeks later, is that absolutely disgusting or is it still ok?

Help, I'm a wine redneck :S

P.S. Toilet seats to wine....... :S

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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Ok, so I go to Henry's (I don't think you guys have those up in Nor Cal - kinda' like Trader Joe's, wait do you have those?). Anyway, I buy the best cheap wine I can find for cooking (like sauteed mushrooms....yum), probably about $10 (yes, I know-very cheap) and usually from Mendocino, and usually a run of the mill Chardonay. Anyway, cooking with it that same wine about 2-3 weeks later, is that absolutely disgusting or is it still ok?

Help, I'm a wine redneck :S

P.S. Toilet seats to wine....... :S


That's not disgusting at all (the wine thing, not the toilet thing :D).

I've done that with wine that's been leftover for even longer than that! Cooking and drinking it are totally different.

Also, we import really good Japanese saké and if I have no wine leftover in the fridge I use leftover sake to cook with. It's really good with chicken dishes or when you're saute-ing something and need a little liquid...

Hey! No more shoptalk during work hours! :D


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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It's shiraz. I had opened a second on Fri. night but hardly touched before we all went out.

Mmm down that!

Another thing, the more wine there is in the bottle the longer it will stay fresh so if you just had a little, chances are it's still good.

If not, make a nice pasta sauce and pour the entire bottle in it.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Got any good sake chicken recipes? I always have sake around in winter, (the warm it up cheap stuff) and never thought about cooking with it! :o

I do in my head. :S:D I usually throw olive oil, garlic, basil and whatever else I have in the fridge that sounds good in a pan, add chicken breast and spices and add a little saké as needed.

Basil, garlic and olive oil are the main ingredients that I cook with. Damn near everything tastes good with it. Saké just seems to fit right in.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I figure it this way ... God created wine bottles just the right size for one person to finish it off in an evening. Leaving wine unconsumed overnight is heresy ... unless you plan to cook with it. If anyone is still reading this, SwedishCelt is incredibly hot. Now that I've made a public ass of myself, it's time to go drink a bottle of wine and have an excuse for having done so.

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I use one of those rubber thingies with the pump so you can suck the air out. Then I put the bottle in the fridge so it won't oxidize.

This doesn't work with beer: sucking the air out will make the beer go flat. Fortunately, the problem never arizes when beer is involved.

I've also never had to use one of those beer foam insulator things. How could you just let a beer sit around long enough to need one??
Speed Racer

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