
Rock climbing vs skydiving

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At college, they offer scuba and rock climbing.
But not skydiving - that would be just as popular. If it was safer, why not offer it?

The gear requirements (airplane, runway, LZ) are a bit steeper. Divers and climbers can use existing sites which are in the public domain. Regulatory requirements are much steeper as well.

I agree. It's easier to find a place to climb and cheaper than to jump, I would assume. I climb. No skydiving yet.
I can't really give a valid compare and contrast, though, since I've never jumped.

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When you are 30' above your last peice of gear with only 50' to the ground you are at your freaking limit it would be nice to have an add

Yeah... that reminds me.. with skydiving we trust the gear and there's no way I am trusting that RP0 I wedged into that last crack. And winter climbing is worse!

Woa.. nothing is worst than climbing over a RP 0. That thing is tiny. I have one sitting on my key chain. The piano wire they are made with might be rated to 1000lbs, max.

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Maybe this has already been said but the family in skydiving seems to have a very strong bond. I never felt the same bond when I was climbing alot.

Huh? I've never heard that from people who both jump and climb. The bond between climbers is amazingly similar to the bond between skydivers, imho. Both communities are like extended family.

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Maybe this has already been said but the family in skydiving seems to have a very strong bond. I never felt the same bond when I was climbing alot.

we have more dead time in between loads or weather. And we want larger groups to support turbines or to do bigger ways. Whereas mountaineering in a group of 23 would be a PITA.

I think the climbers are close to their partners in crime, but they have smaller groups.

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Rock climbing is heaps scarier and demands more respect than skydiving.

Absolutely! And climbing demands respect for hours or even days non-stop vs. one minute of ff and another couple under canopy.


but you want real danger ( the statistics back this up ) go SCUBA DIVING .

Hell yes, if you do it right! I love deep air :)



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I dont think anyone deserves more respect just because they choose a hobby. There should just be a mutual respect for people , regarldess of how we choose to spend our free time.

In the realm of skydiving, I respect those that are at higher levels then me, but thats because I can correlate this hobby, and the effort they have had to make to get there. Yet I dont respect myself any less.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I dont think anyone deserves more respect just because they choose a hobby.

Uh, must be a misunderstanding. Everybody deserves respect here! The post was about activity requiring more respect i.e. attention, concentration and physical effort for a much longer time.



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Skydiving = Fun out of control
Climbing = fun with control.

I've done both. I do one and dream of the other.

So....who want's to lend me their rig?

Only bad skydiving is out of control:|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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