
Who's going to the 2nd annual M.O.A.B. boogie?

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I know the subject line is a little redundant. But just a little. If you haven't heard of the boogie click here for the details.

So this year the weekend after the Byron Boogie I'm planning to go to Moab to see if it's all THEY say it is.

Brian Burke (Have you been Burked YET?) gives it his seal of approval. Skydive New England is a strong supporter of Skydive Moab and since I am a supporter of Skydive New England (great folks and a great dropzone), how could I possibly not go.

So who's going this year? I'll start the list off with some friends from Northern California on dz.com I am expecting to see there.



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I'll be there. It was too much fun last year not to come back this year!!

Moab is a spectacular setting for skydiving. I found it to be distracting in freefall! You can see Arches N.P. right across the highway, Canyonlands is not far off, The Colorado river and innumberable side canyons disappear off into every direction... I can't wait.

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I'm planning on being there and this will be my last boogie south of the border before I need to make my way back up to Canada. But I'm not sure how many skydives I will make as I'm sure I will be hucking myself off of some cliffs while I'm there as well. ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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That's an extreeeeeeemely tentative maybe. I would *love* to come as I had a great time jumping at Moab in May and know it would be tons of fun... I'm just going to have to figure out the finances/time thing at that point. If I'm not working yet, I'm gonna be too broke. If I am working, I may not have the vacation time.

Anyone wanna sponsor me? :D:D:D
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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not this year, but pencil me in for 2006. B| clint's dad is a regular at our little dz, and he can't say enough good about the place. i've seen video from last year and it looked spectacular. can't wait!
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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Anyone else??B|



By that time I should have been laid off, but I don't know if I will be working a new job/moving/or just spending my savings jumping. If I'm not working, I'll be there.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
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stop over and pick me up would you?

That's a thought!>:(
Then again, it doesn't enhance our chances to actually making it to the boogie.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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So... I'm about to register and the web site wants to know where I'm sleeping (I think it likes me:$) . But I don't know yet. Now I like free (what's my favorite nation?) and I like to be just outside of where the evening partying is. So it seems like camping at the Moab Airport would be the logical solution. But I haven't been there before so perhaps there is a better option? Does anyone that's been there before have a suggestion?

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They need your badass freefly camera skills for the boogie video. Represent!!!

dude, you need to butter me up with a belivable lie....... as for my exchuse, i'm pulling the, i have to work and need the money card...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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So, now that we have compiled a list of participants, let's arrange for rides, shall we? I, myself am a friendly traveler who listens to any music and doesn't need to go to the bathroom too often. What more do you need on a roadtrip?:|
No seriously, I live in the east bay and am looking to carpool out there. Spare the air, man!

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