
Is there a Dentist in the house?

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So.........I go home on leave in August. Being the prepared and forward thinking person I am I had 3 dentist appointments while I was home. Made sure everything was taken care of so I wouldn't be stuck in Iraq with a nasty dental problem and NO DENTIST available. Well.........in spite of all my preperation life just kicked me in the nuts anyway. I was eating yesterday afternoon and CRUNCH. Didn't know exactly what it was at the time but a couple hours later I figured out that a tooth I had filled while I was home just broke apart. About a 1/4 of the mass of the tooth just broke the hell off. [:/] Leaving the filling exposed but apparently intact since I am not in AGONY.............yet. Went to a base that had a dentist today but it was "His day off." SO instead of any dental work I got a bag of Vicodins........which isn't all bad. :D The only bad part is that I am saving them in case this filling goes bad. Anyway.......when a large piece of your tooth just comes off like that how does it have to be fixed? Is a crown what should be done? I CAN get that done........I just have to convince them to send me back to Baghdad. :S

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Not a dentist, but I think they'll have to crown it.[:/]

If they do have to crown it, try and get them to go ahead and do a root canal because if you ever have to get a root canal on that tooth after that, you'll have to pay for another crown and those are big bucks... This happened to a friend at work.

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And I think skydivers get 50% off in his office...

Now if it wasn't 8000-10000 miles away. [:/]


you'll have to pay for another crown and those are big bucks...

Yeah.........I'm thinking do it now because then it is ABSOLUTELY free. B| If I wait to get home it'll cost me a bundle! [:/] The only draw back......I'll be at the mercy of a military "Dental Hobby Shop." :S

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The only draw back......I'll be at the mercy of a military "Dental Hobby Shop."

They gots to learn SOMEwhere. nothing like working on uncle sams bastardized children and associated OGA peeps such as yourself!!:P:P:P:P This way if they fuck up ya can't sue em.:P:P:P

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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