
Happy Birthday Chuck Blue

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OMFG Dom. We were soooooooo fucking wasted!!!!!!

I'm still not quite sure I'm the same person I was before that night....

I know for a fact Chuck wasn't the same for awhile!:D

Me next morning standing in front of his tent "WHere is Chuck?"

Random stranger " That guy left this morning in a hurry, I don't think he was feeling to well!":ph34r::ph34r:

Love ya Chuck Blue. He even leave and event early in style!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Thanks everyone. It's just another day once you turn 40...B|

Happy Birthday Monkey Man. You're 3 weeks older than I am. 1963 was a good year wasn't it? Oh and I totally agree that it's just another day. My mind gets younger every day, unfortunately the body doesn't feel so young after a summer of some serious swooping here at altitude. But I'd never have it any other way. Happy 42th Chuck ... and it's too bad you couldn't make it to CO for all of the fun. Next year right? ;)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Me next morning standing in front of his tent "WHere is Chuck?"
Random stranger " That guy left this morning in a hurry, I don't think he was feeling to well!":ph34r::ph34r:

Not to mention the half dozen folks trying to locate him from various other parts of the country that morning!!!

Hopefully I will get to have a less garbled conversation with you in Perris soon Lisa....B|

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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Notice his very freakin' cool neice and nephew posting on dz.com!!! Tucker and Riley - you two rock!!!B|

Chuck opted for Golden Corral. He got a fat belly and just wanted to go home to watch Rockstar INXS but I dragged him to his club for chocolate cake and milk. He's back to work now so I GET ALL THE LEFTOVERS!!!:D

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