
How did you pay for your skydiving training?

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I sold my 1966 Mustang Fastback that I frame-up restored with a 400hp small block balanced and blued full roller motor, beautiful candy apple paint, complete race suspension.
That was the most beautiful badass effin hot rod I could ever dreamed of.....
I don't miss it one bit and hardly ever think about it except what it helped me to do!
I soooooooooooooooooooooooo dig skydiving.
Never selling the Harley or the rig for anything.

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***Just a note, no matter if you do SL or AFF, or IAF for that matter, you are still a student until at least 25 jumps (that is the minimum if you have met all the other requirements for the A license by 25 jumps).


I don't mean to hi-jack my own thread, but I really hope you can clear some things up for me. My small dz has it in writing that when you complete the 12 jump SL course, you are off student status even though you still have at least 13 jumps to earn an A license. Also, my jumps will go from $100 to $20 (and gear rental of course). It doesn't matter to me whether or not I'm still considered a student, it will just be nice to not have to pay so much for each jump.

Personally, I find it easier to arch from the hanging position on the strut. I jump from a 182. I have not done freefall yet, but my JM tells me I have a perfect arch so far. Yes I am still a little nervous about doing the freefall part, plus all the turns and such, but I actually think I was nervous on the AFF jump in part BECAUSE of the two instructors holding onto me.

Please offer me any opinions and advice you have. I would greatly appreciate it. You can even PM me if you want to.
Mrs. WaltAppel

All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28

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When I was in college I had a friend I worked with that was a skydiver and I thought I wanted to learn how. He said he was going to this thing, "the World Free Fall Convention", so I took some student loan money, went to Chicagolands website and paid in full, went to to Quincy in 2000, lived in a motorhome for ten days, and came home a skydiver. Oh I almost forgot, partied like a rock star!

I wouldnt trade that experience for anything. :)

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