
Couch FREAKS!!!!!

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Looks like I definitely will not be attending this year, I am sorry to say.

However, I -will- come next year. I'll be a graduate student, so I doubt I can take off during the week, btu I'll make a couple days of it, come hell, high water, or my ex-girlfriend.

Bummer dude. Hey take it from me: I'm a grad student married to a grad student and I take full advantage of the chance to "invest" my student loan money into skydiving. But the time commitment does suck- I can't leave until noon Friday because of a test that AM. I have ditched class for skydiving before though ;)

PS glad to read that you got a good deal on a new rig, didn't catch you at Luverne but look forward to jumping with you one day.


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When I had friends drive up from houston for the boogie, I admit to crying on Monday morning as everyone leaves and the party's over! I'm such a softie! Anyway, I can't wait to see some old friends and make some new ones.
We're on the road from MN in 30 hours!!! It's really hard to sit still at my computer!
I have discovered a great recipe for body paint. Anyone interested? I'll be at the vending tent with the skymonkey windblade so come talk to me.

You say, what's that sound coming out of the hole in the wood?

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i'm with you on needing some time to recover, today is my first day in the office and i've got a good case of the shakes. nimbus suggested that we needed to include a day or two of rehab with registration costs. hmmm...

zoom, huge props to you and the whole zoomieland crew for doing the party night! (on whichever night that was). i would have loved to spin the wheel-of-misfortune, but the oh so slight chance of getting close and personal with junkyard kept me off the stage. :P oh and thanks to the crew for the pie, chocolate and ketchup is quite the flavor once you get used to it.

so sad that we won't get to practice our chili dog and zoo load skills together again till next year, :( we must do some partying before then! (after my liver recovers)

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Yes, a good time was had by all and the 25th anniversary was definately a good one. I know some of you lucky folks got an extra day of recovery in, but I was here at the office bright and early yesterday morning and I gotta tell ya... It sucked!

We had a big meeting at 9:30 AM and they turned out the lights and projected a spreadsheet onto a screen while we were all talking. It’s like they knew how brain dead I was and they were just trying to mess with me!

Is it lunch time yet... I'm ready for another nap.

"Ignorance is bliss" and "Patience is a virtue"... So if you're stupid and don't mind waiting around for a while, I guess you can have a pretty good life!

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