
"Go Big!" A Tribute to those no longer with us

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As I sat next to you on the plane at the Richmond boogie, I couldnt help but notice the geniune love for life you had in your eyes. You were smiling, and carrying on like we were on a full altitude load. (Richmond 2 years ago - weather sucked ass) Exiting the aircraft you said two words that have stuck with me over the years...Go Big! Though I only knew you for a short time, you played a huge part in sculpting the way I fly, and the way I view life. I know you are smiling down upon us, and thinking to your self..."Man that swoop really sucked!...hehe" God Speed Brother...I Miss Ya!

Someone you miss? Someone special in your life?...Tell them you love em!

BASE 3:16 - Even if you are about to land on a cop - DONT FORGET TO FLARE!
Free the soul -- DJ

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I was just off static line last September, had a crappy, unstable first clear & pull that ended with a rough landing and a wrenched knee. I was sitting quietly alone, icing my knee, upset with myself that it had gone so badly and wondering what the hell I was thinking with this whole skydiving thing. I think this was the first time we'd ever talked - you walked up, saw the ice on my knee and asked me what happened.

I told you the story and you said, "hey, you know, this is gonna sound funny, but you're a real skydiver now" and shook my hand. That meant a lot to me that day and was a big part of why I kept coming back through all the frustrations. I'm glad we got to be friends over the last few months of your life. Miss ya.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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He'll always be a part of us...

"Darts? Sure, I'm game to try something new. Ever played cricket?"

Here's to you my friend.

find / -name jumpers -print; cat jumpers $USER > manifest; cd /dev/airplane; more altitude; make jump; cd /pub; more beer;

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I had just had a bitch of a hard opening, compressed my neck and spine, seeing stars, when i realized i was landing off. I saw you, who helped teach my to skydive, land in a big open field. I thought to myself... what could possibly go wrong. I landed near you and dropped to my knees, telling how badly i had been spanked upstairs. You helped me to my feet and gathered my gear. I turned to see 30ish huge ass steer coming out from under the treeline. They circled us and I whimpered for my mommy. You snapped your bright colored canopy in their enormous, currious faces, and shouted with your NY accent "Yaw! Yaw!" I asked you if you thought it would work, and you told me it worked in the movies. We made it to the other end of the field and crossed over the fence. From that day on, you called me Cowgirl... and you were my East Coast Cowboy. I love you man. We miss you down here.

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Watching you smile and laugh while going over videos, listening to you intently as you explain freeflying to me, seeing that Disco Ball helmet around the dz. We miss you brother.

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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I used to watch you so much you would sometimes look at me and ask "What are you looking at?" hahaha Just you brother.

You spent some time writing things in my logbook after our first official coach dive. I still pull it out and read it to those who want to learn.

The Rats will always fly your colors. We miss you.

Rat for Life - Fly till I die
When them stupid ass bitches ask why

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Whenever I need a pick me up, I just think about the last time I saw you alive, at 6000ft comically mouthing "What the FUCK?!@!" with me as they slid under our formation. I still remember your crooked smile as we broke grips and tracked away. It was the last time I say you alive.

As I said in your eulogy:

"You will always be with us, in heart, in soul, in life, in love and in the ever after. Godspeed my friend. We love you."

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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I remember you sitting next to me on a ride up in the caravan. You were doing a coach jump for me a year and a half ago, and you kept tapping your alti, because the needle was sticking...


You saw my eyes gettting really big, and said, "Don't worry. I hardly ever look at it anyways." ;) Thanks for the stick figure dude you drew in my log book.

Thanks for flashing all of us out of your sliding glass door. I was so shocked I almost choked on my drink trying to laugh, you freaking nut. The funniest part is I think at that moment you may have been flashing all guys except me, if I'm remembering right....naw, maybe your wife was outside too. It was all a blur...:S

I can hear JD screaming "GO BIG OR GO HOME!!" talking about you. I still think of you when I listen to Metallica or here 'Kryptonite' by 3 Doors Down. I don't want any of your everclear punch. You keep that for yourself. I'm not tryin' to be antisocial; your house is too warm inside for me. Don't knock on wood, you'll cut it away the next day. <--Not my fault dude, I had just asked the question. You were the one that proudly proclaimed 'NEVER!'

I miss you, life of the party. Strong one. Happy face.

Peace, buddy.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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You snapped your bright colored canopy in their enormous, currious faces, and shouted with your NY accent "Yaw! Yaw!" I asked you if you thought it would work, and you told me it worked in the movies.

LMAO That is priceless!
Good Times!

BASE 3:16 - Even if you are about to land on a cop - DONT FORGET TO FLARE!
Free the soul -- DJ

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I remember you sitting next to me on a ride up in the caravan. You were doing a coach jump for me a year and a half ago, and you kept tapping your alti, because the needle was sticking...


You saw my eyes gettting really big, and said, "Don't worry. I hardly ever look at it anyways." ;) Thanks for the stick figure dude you drew in my log book.

Thanks for flashing all of us out of your sliding glass door. I was so shocked I almost choked on my drink trying to laugh, you freaking nut. The funniest part is I think at that moment you may have been flashing all guys except me, if I'm remembering right....naw, maybe your wife was outside too. It was all a blur...:S

I can hear JD screaming "GO BIG OR GO HOME!!" talking about you. I still think of you when I listen to Metallica or here 'Kryptonite' by 3 Doors Down. I don't want any of your everclear punch. You keep that for yourself. I'm not tryin' to be antisocial; your house is too warm inside for me. Don't knock on wood, you'll cut it away the next day. <--Not my fault dude, I had just asked the question. You were the one that proudly proclaimed 'NEVER!'

I miss you, life of the party. Strong one. Happy face.

Peace, buddy.

Hi Ben! I thought about you again today...B|
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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