
What would you do...

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Tell him to get the fuck out of my class if it bothered me or sit the fuck down if it didn't.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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If a student came into a class you were teaching with a tee-shirt saying "F*ck you you F*cking F*ck" (except I substituted the the asterisks)?

:| Say, "What the f*ck?"

Seriously though, I know I'd say, "Not appropriate. See you tomorrow." It is disrespectful to the instructor and other classmates.

I have taught classes for years (albeit mine were adults, required to be there for their jobs, and knew that my opinion of their performance could impact their 'comfort level' within their jobs...:P)

-Just to clarify, we are talking about being a professor in a university or some other form of career instruction or education, not a skydiving FJC, correct? It would make a difference to me, though it probably shouldn't. They are such hugely different environments I could tolerate it at one, but never at the other.

-So anyhoo, what did you do, John? :)
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If a student came into a class you were teaching with a tee-shirt saying "F*ck you you F*cking F*ck" (except I substituted the the asterisks)?

Make him a moderator in Speaker's Corner?:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I assuming college and larger university setting, correct me if I'm wrong, but with that frame of reference, I would say tolerate it and continue with the class.

You're there to teach and educate on physics... not social morality. (Thats why most university degrees now have ethnic studies - to teach the morality that the parents don't have to.)

Or you could offer him this shirt instead

or maybe this one


Not saying it was a wise choice of his, but it might be worse for you to expect him to change. (unless it states in the campus codes that offensive clothing will not be allowed)

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If a student came into a class you were teaching with a tee-shirt saying "F*ck you you F*cking F*ck" (except I substituted the the asterisks)?

If I was a liberal prof, I guess I would care.

Since I'm not I would appreciate his right to his freedom of speech even though I didn't personally approve with his choice of t-shirt.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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If a student came into a class you were teaching with a tee-shirt saying "F*ck you you F*cking F*ck" (except I substituted the the asterisks)?

If a student walked into a class I was teaching, it would be ground school or a packing class, so I'ld just tell him that the "Fast as Fuck" shirts are upstairs and $18.00.

Peace and Blue Skies!
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If it was just one offensive shirt, on one particular occasion, I likely wouldn't say anything at all.

If it was a pattern, I'd probably catch up to him/her after class and say something along the lines of...

"Which shirts you wear are up to you, but I think some of the ones you've worn to class have been in poor taste. As you continue in your career, you'll do well to pay mind to things like that."

I certainly wouldn't make a martyr out of him/her by bringing any attention to it in class.

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Actually, I think it depends on the perception of the person reading the print. If it bothers the Professor, then he has the right to ask the person to remove it or leave the class. If it doesn't, then no big deal.
A somewhat similar story: I produced a TV commercial once, for a Japanese client (client and agency were on set). A crew member was wearing a shirt that read "The A Bomb: made in the USA, tested in Japan"...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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I'd simply point it out. Bring him up in front of the whole class. HE wants attention, hell, he'll get it.

While you're at it, give a pop quiz, and let everyone know that with a person wearing a shirt like that, people wouldn't pay attention to lecture, anyway. The quiz would also be worth 10 percent of the grade.

That effing eff wouldn't have many friends after that episode.

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