
MAC G4 / Vinyl.... how the fu*k....

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If you are trying to plug a vynal deck into a "line in" you will need a "phono stage".

A lot of amps have these built-in, but I donot know of any sound cards with them.

There are also two types of signal that can be sent from your deck. It will wither be a MC (Moving Coil) or MM (Moving Magnet) Most phono Stages will work on both. But both of these are far to low to be pluges into a standard Line-In

The way I do it, is to connect the PC (in your case the Mac) in to the Tape Loop of my Amp.

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it's running through a pre-amp, so: Turntable line out into a pre-amp, out of the pre amp, into the mac mic.... basically the same as it was through the stereo... and, what the hell is earthing?


Sounds like its hooked up right, you just need to record in quicktime, or garageband if you have that.

And earthing, is ground, There should be a set of RCA (red & white) cables coming out of the turntable and then another wire with something that looks like a metal U on the end of it, which needs to be grounded.

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