
So why aren't you jumping today?

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Actually...I did. I had to run some errands and get the oil changed, etc. So, I didn't get out to the dz until 2pm.

I did one sit-fly, a 15 pt 6-way, and an 8-way for the end of the day.

The 6-way was:
stairstep diamond
open acc
split the acc and spin 180.
(repeat two more times B|)

since spinning the pieces put us in different slots, it became a nice non-repeater. :)

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...The City (that'd be San Francisco for those who don't know) this evening.

Yeah, those who don't need to get with it.

Had stuff to do today...but I need to drop off some Skybands for someone at the closest DZ to me (small Cessna DZ), so.....might as well do a jump or two while I'm there.

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First of all it's raining... Second is I came home from AZ with bronchitis, and my head STILL feels like it's going to explode. Third, I'm unemployed, and should really save my money for things like my car payment. :S

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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