
Do you have COOL neighbors, SHITTY neighbors, or CREEPY neighbors?

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My neighbor told my mum to fuck off when i was walking around the corner and the dog had already bitten my grandads hand. i went absolutly crazy at him and he shit his pants, i've never seen a grown man shake

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Let's see, we have a next door neighbor who does Tarot cards and etc., 2-doors down, we have a 'dealer', across the street, we have an elderly couple who we are kinda' close to, an elderly lady who lives next door to them, neighbors down on the corner who we visit with on occasion. Don't really know the rest of them. Hopefully, we'll be moving and where we're going, the nearest neighbor will be about a mile away!:)


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Hi Master

A dealer for a neighbor:) Poker is really populer these days lucky[:/] for you.

Befor the place we're in now a family moved into a house down the street painted it pink, all furnishings brand new, and had lots of "friends" visit for short periods of time.

The neighbors were >:(. I figured about 12 month's and they would be relocated and started lucking their $10,000 hot tub.

The owner was eventually relocated (12 month's was close) by the cops,DEA, FBI etc. The wife and kids were evicted and the repo folks got a lot of stuff except the Hot tub.

Decided the Hot tub was bought with dirty money and didn't want it.


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I live in a 4 plex apartment. One new neighbor parks in my off street spot.>:( One is seldom home, but is courteous when she is. The last gets off work around 2:30 am and always seems to be talking loudly on her cell right outside my window.

I live in the 'hood and you can't leave anything outside or it will grow legs.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
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I've been taking plate numbers and descriptions of 'walk-up' traffic. My wife, who is in law enforcement turned it all over the the narcs. Right now, he's still loose and 'driving while suspended' with a pending DWI charge. The sad part is, he has two cute little boys who fortunately, get a lot of care from their mother's mother. The ugly part is, I don't care how big or how small, the community... that shit is there!


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My neighbors on one side are ok I guess, in the close to two years I lived in my house we only communicate with the hand wave.

The other neighbor(s) on the other side are assholes. Fucker was having drainage problems in his backyard, so to fix it he dug a trench from his backyard into my front yard giving me a drainage problem. Tried to talk to him, but I got tired of the "Stay the fuck out of my yard" replies when I knocked on his door. Problem fixed after civilsuit. Should have know he was an asshole when I saw the, "WARNING: 3 K Club Member" bumper sticker on his truck.

Across the street are three houses. The ones on the left and right are good friends and have been before we moved in. We all moved in within two months of each other (new sub-division)so thats pretty cool. The neighbor between them was ok until she took in her delinquent grandson in who was expelled from the school system in a near-by county. He has been caught twice peeping into windows at night, once by me and once by some other guy a street over. He was caught by the other guy first, but do to the little bastered being 15 he couldn't be arrested. Couple months later I saw him at our bedroom window, so I went outside, snatched his ass up and hosed him with some OC spray. So needless to say his grandma, who is one who thinks her grandchild can't do wrong has it out for us.
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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Hi Chip

Whats a 3k member?

Your police dept sucks if their saying a 15 Y.O. perv can't be arrested. Its not like you attacked the kid with the spray while he was walking down the street.Your other neighbor caught te kid also.

The cops want to hide their head in the sand? The kids gets convicted he has to register every time he moves. He doesn't get tagged now the "first" time he gets busted for real, if it's not that bad he'll walk because it was a one time thing.

Granny is pissed at you:D:D:D Wait until she has to hire a lawyer to defend her little angel. The lawyers always win $$$;)


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-So do your neighbors stop by with a rack of beer when you throw a party, or call the cops? Have you ever SEEN your nighbors, or do they hide in the basement all day (think "The 'Burbs" :ph34r:)

Do you have to keep your BBQ grill & bicycles/etc inside for fear of someone stealing them? >:(

Do you see your neighbor drinking a brew on their porch and go join 'em?

Do your neighbors kids play in the back yard with your lil' ones?

Does your neighbor lend you their ladder when they see you struggling to reach your gutter?

Do your neighbors call the homeowner's association on you if you paint your doghouse a 'substandard' color? :S

What are your neighbors like?

Ours are for the most part pretty cool. Our neighbors next door and across the street always bring food and brew to our parties or BBQ's, and we can all tuck our lil' ones in bed, then get drunk and play poker the rest of the night! :D

How 'bout yours?

I know how Skymama will vote...:)

For the most part the neighbors are okay except for this one dorky old guy who talks so loud on the phone the whole complex hears him, while he keeps the door open (I guess so everyone can hear him). Cant wait till this loser moves out!

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Well, I don't really have neighbors in a sence. I live in the barracks. Man it sucks the guys on my right play loud rap music till 2 or 3 in the morning and the guys on my left shower together. (barracks you share a bathroom) Very not cool.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

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Whats a 3k member?

Your police dept sucks if their saying a 15 Y.O. perv can't be arrested.

3 K Club = KKK (The Klan)

In NC if your 15 years old or younger you can not be arrested. If a juvenile commits a crime the police have to submit a "JUVENILE PETITION" to the courts, then the courts determine whether or not they're punished. In cases such as murder, rape, ect. they can be detained and held by the court and the petition is expedited. It's bullshit but thats the way it is here.
"A radical man is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air."
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt

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