
How many people have never done drugs?

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I am not trying to preach or anything. But I have never done i any and have run into very few people that haven't either. I like to drink, and get drunk.

So who out there has never done it and what are your reasons? Or what were your reasons for doing it and does either side regret it?

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everyone does drugs, legality simply depends on culture and jurisdiction.. neither of which have any real bearing on their value or experience... but wont stop anyone from feeling superior to some who makes different personal choices...[:/]
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I've smoked pot a few times, wish I hadn't.:( One time I remember smoking weed with a friend, and I had to keep swatting all these big "bugs" that I felt were crawling all over me:o:|. Needless to say, the bugs weren't really there:|:S

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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I have never done any illegal drugs. My dad was a narcotics cop and my mom raised us to never touch the stuff. I don't smoke anything and I rarely drink anymore.
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I tried a bunch of them. But I researched them all before I decided to. Doesn't make it any better, but most people take them just to get messed up. I saw what really was happening (that is known or published) to the body, the risks, then made my choice.

I remember I grew up thinking if you ever did coke that was it. It was over for you. Then I took a neurology course and saw that it is actually pretty simple (a competitive inhibitor for the reuptake of dopamine for you nerds). The most dangerous part was the chance of addiction. Other then that, it only slows the rate that dopamine is gotten rid of the in brain (a player in adrenaline). Then went out and tried it a for a while, and that was it. Saw its effects, and saw how you could easily become addicted to it. Then dropped it. Now maybe once in a blue moon for a "treat".

I won't preach to do or not do drugs. But know the risks, what it's doing, then make an informed decision. That's your right to choose.

Me, I like to experiment ;)

"Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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I have never done drugs. However, I do drink (too much most times when I do drink) and I used to smoke (I have been cigarette free for 5 months on the 14th!).

I joined the marine corps at 17 and they somewhat frown upon the drug thing so I just never did them . When I got out of the marine corps, I had my first son so never did them then either.

I guess circumstance can always keep you in the good graces of the law! ;)

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I rarely drink, and never have done any drugs not given to me by my doctor..

I don't like the taste of beer, I am too cheap to pay for expensive "fru-fru" drinks, and I really don't like being "altered"...

Now, when I had surgery for an infection and they cut open the infection and tied a rubber band thru the wound so it would slowly cut thru the skin and granulate out... I mixed Vicodin and Percocet together on an empty stomach and slept for a few days... Now that was fun... The truth is, neither alone were strong enough to dull the pain of nerves slowly being cut by a dull rubberband.:P

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everyone does drugs, legality simply depends on culture and jurisdiction.. neither of which have any real bearing on their value or experience... but wont stop anyone from feeling superior to some who makes different personal choices...[:/]

Exactly. Our culture makes laws for various reasons, mostly designed to protect us but also partially intended to define for us what is "right" and what is "wrong." Sometimes the laws prevent us from doing (legally) things that we perceive as being "right" because culture disagrees and labels them "wrong". For example, I was talking to a skydiver from the UK. Over there if you get busted for drinking and driving, they take your car on the spot, take your license, and its straight to jail, hearing the next day and very strict punishment. Other countries are much the same. But in the US we are far more tolerable of drinking than of other drug use because most of us don't see drinking as inherently "wrong". In my four years as a paramedic I have never seen anybody harmed or injured as a result of marijuana use, but you can't hardly go a day without finding a drunk driving accident, or an alcoholic spouse abuser. If I got a DUI, I might get a slap on the wrist, my driving priveleges may be suspended for a few months, and if I worked a desk job then probably nothing at all would happen to me at work. But if my employer, as many do, gave me a random drug test and I failed it, I would be out the door, no excuses. We have assigned a ranking of drugs from bad to worse, for example tobacco
The bottom line is, I believe in the freedom of the indiviual to make their own choices, regardless of any negative effect it may have on themselves. Only when those choices affect others do I care about them. "If you want to jump without a Cypres, go right ahead, but not at our dropzone." Sound familiar? Same principle. Jump how you want to, live how you want to, but if you are going to do something dumb, don't let it hurt anybody else.

That said, I drink dark beers, cheap can beer when the good stuff runs out, sometimes smoke a cigarette after drinking that stuff for a while, take way more than the reccommended dose of painkillers the next day, and I can count on two hands the number of times I smoked pot in high school and college.

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Done a bunch and loved'em. Don't regret it
because I didn't get arrested and I am still alive.
Would I do it again? Absolutely but I also accept the risk and realize that it is extremely dangerous but so is a lot of sports that I enjoy..

Do I recommend it to others? No! However, if your
over 18 you're old enough to make your own decisions but you have to live with the consequences.

Under 18, NO! You're not accountable yet and that means someone else has to pay for your stupid mistakes.

Is it for everybody? No! And I respect those that have chose to abstain.
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
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Done a bunch and loved'em. Don't regret it
because I didn't get arrested and I am still alive.
Would I do it again? Absolutely but I also accept the risk and realize that it is extremely dangerous but so is a lot of sports that I enjoy..

Do I recommend it to others? No! However, if your
over 18 you're old enough to make your own decisions but you have to live with the consequences.

Under 18, NO! You're not accountable yet and that means someone else has to pay for your stupid mistakes.

Is it for everybody? No! And I respect those that have chose to abstain.


My answer exactly!!

Gettin' to like you more by the minute there Psycho!!!;)

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