
Good way to buy gear on dropzone.com?!

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Hello People.
For everyone confused on the best way to buy gear on dropzone.com safely-I think i fugured it out.

Why don't you just have them put the items on ebay with a buy it now for the price you agreed and have a return policy so you can be sure you wont get screwed. If its not as described you can return it. (Which would probably never happen) Youll be able to pay easily and have proof of the transaction.

Ebay is much safer and everyone can be happy knowing the deal is legit and not a scam.

Ive bought stuff on dropzone.com from very reliable and well known individuals who sent the items to the DZ first for inspection but many people will not do that and most cant be considered reliable just sending them money and hoping for a prouct.

Anyways i think it would work. Try it out instead of complaining that you dont know how to make a deal.

Peace And Blue Skies

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...Ive bought stuff on dropzone.com from very reliable and well known individuals who sent the items to the DZ first for inspection but many people will not do that...

If they can't agree to an escrow service, they won't be selling to me. Simple as that. There is nothing out there that just has to be had bad enough to put myself in a position to be screwed.


and most cant be considered reliable just sending them money and hoping for a prouct.

Which is why sending money first is not a good idea...ever. Don't fall prey to the predators.


Anyways i think it would work.

Workable? If you say so...I personally don't trust eBay. A lot of hassle to go through unnecessarily. Escrow is simple, painless and guaranteed satisfaction from both sides of the transaction if both are on the up-and-up.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Ebay is much safer and everyone can be happy knowing the deal is legit and not a scam.

Dude, that's nuts! Ebay is chock full of scammers! Putting it on Ebay does nothing to legitimize the transaction, in fact, for me, it makes it more suspect.

Legitimate skydivers selling gear will normally prefer the larger audience and fee free structure of dropzone.com, and most people selling large dollar items will have no problem using a trusted third party to conduct the transaction through. It's not a huge hassle for either the buyer or seller, and it's the best way to keep both parties safe from potential ripoffs when they don't know each other.

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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Disagree -

I think using the individual riggers as an escrow/qc service is still the best way.

You send the money to the seller's rigger.

The seller sends your rigger the gear.

Your rigger checks it out for suitability / safety

You instruct the seller's rigger to release the money.

Both sides are happy, both sides are safe(r) from scammers.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Ive bought plenty of gear on dropzone.com
and had no problems.

I have also done tons of business on ebay with even more ease during the transactions.

I was giving an alternative method to all those people who complain that they wont buy on dz.com because they dont find it safe.

I think its as safe as you make it when buying gear.

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When buying from DZ.com, it's you that has to make sure the offer is legitimate. Ask for pictures, license numbers, etc. The best way I know the offer is legitimate, is if the person you're doing business with is worried about being scammed too.
Skydiving: You either learn from other's mistakes, or they'll learn from yours.

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what about the listing fees and final value fees for listing/selling on eBay ?

I once again recommend using PAYPAL funded with a credit card to pay for items. this way you can always do a chargeback if you are not careful enough.

THE BEST WAY TO DO THE TRANSACTION VARIES WITH EVERY TRANSACTION, as sellers may like or dislike certain things and are all human. Having a blanket "I will not pay until I see the gear" WILL result in missing some good deals.

This debate is getting to be as old and redundant as the RSL vs. no-RSL debate.

good luck either way !

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When buying from DZ.com, it's you that has to make sure the offer is legitimate. Ask for pictures, license numbers, etc. The best way I know the offer is legitimate, is if the person you're doing business with is worried about being scammed too.

Can anybody describe how the process is supposed to work?

Suppose both buyer and seller are worried about being scammed. The seller wants to know that he's going to get paid. If he doesn't get paid, he wants his stuff back. Ideally, he gets his stuff back and anything he paid to ship the product.

The buyer, however, wants stuff that lives up to the seller's promises. He probably wants his local rigger to look over the gear and make sure everything fits the description. If it doesn't match the description, he wants his money back.

This is what an escrow service is for, right? But as far as I can tell, they only guarantee that the buyer gets "something", not necessarily what was advertised. What protects the buyer here?

Are there good escrow services that will protect both parties? Any recommendations?

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...Ive bought stuff on dropzone.com from very reliable and well known individuals who sent the items to the DZ first for inspection but many people will not do that...

If they can't agree to an escrow service, they won't be selling to me. Simple as that. There is nothing out there that just has to be had bad enough to put myself in a position to be screwed.


and most cant be considered reliable just sending them money and hoping for a prouct.

Which is why sending money first is not a good idea...ever. Don't fall prey to the predators.


Anyways i think it would work.

Workable? If you say so...I personally don't trust eBay. A lot of hassle to go through unnecessarily. Escrow is simple, painless and guaranteed satisfaction from both sides of the transaction if both are on the up-and-up.

Does anyone know how much an escrow service charges?

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Hi All
I recently advertised on the classifieds looking for sony camcorders, i used this method because i thought i could trust the people that may contact me.
I was offered a Hc26 in hindsight i should have asked for photos, license details etc but i foolishly thought it would be safe.
I got a parcel through containing a lovely sony hc26 box and in its a samsung which would be no good to anybody.
So if your offered anything double check what they have to offer. And if your out there Jerry van b******d or whatever your name is pay back will come my friend.>:(

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